[톡톡 100세 인생] A herniated disc that reduces quality of life can be completely cured |

(Popcorn News = Reporter Seonsil Choi) [편집자 주: 의학 기술의 발달로 평균 수명이 80세를 넘어 곧 100세 시대를 바라보고 있다. 100세를 살아도 아프지 않고 건강하게 지낼 수 있다면, 우리는 얼마든지 멋진 인생을 살아낼 수 있을 것이다. [톡톡 100세 인생]is a corner that generously shares health tips, health information, and health common sense to live healthy in the age of 100.]

If your back is stiff and painful when you sit for a long time, if your back pain is severe and you feel numbness in your legs and toes, these symptoms are all evidence that a herniated disc is progressing. Each year, the number of herniated disc patients is increasing and they are complaining of pain due to herniated discs. Still, the good thing is that if you work hard to prevent a herniated disc, you can fully cure it. From now on, let’s take a closer look at the rules to prevent a herniated disc.

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(Photo = Pixa Bay) © Popcorn News

What is a herniated disc

The disc (intervertebral disc) consists largely of the nucleus pulposus and the annulus fibrosus surrounding it. The nucleus pulposus is a juicy, elastic tissue inside the disc. The annulus fibrosus holds the nucleus pulposus firmly, and it is both tough and elastic. For various reasons, when the nucleus pulposus gets out of place and presses on the nerve, it is called ‘herniated disc’ or ‘herniated disc’.

Herniated discs also have stages. At first, the disc is slightly swollen. This is called swelling. Although the nucleus pulposus is swollen, the pain is not severe because the nerve is not pressed too much. After this stage, the distended nucleus pulposus pushes the annulus and protrudes, pressing on the nerve. The final stage is when the annulus fibrosus no longer holds up and tears, exuding the nucleus pulposus.

Prevention tips for herniated disc

In order to escape a herniated disc, you must first ‘maintain a good posture’. Remember that good posture makes for a healthy spine. When lifting a heavy object, never bend only at the waist, and with your knees bent, put the object close to your body and then use the strength of your legs to lift it. When standing, it is good to naturally put one foot forward, and at this time, putting one leg on a slightly higher place will reduce the burden on the lower back. When sitting in a chair, it is good to sit with your back straight and your upper body straight by putting your hips deep into the chair.

Next, you must protect your spine health with ‘steady exercise’. There is also a statistic that 60% of people who work at a desk all day and do not exercise regularly suffer from back pain. Walking is a representative exercise that can be easily performed without putting too much strain on the spine. Just walking for 30 minutes a day can keep your back healthy. Exercise is definitely good for spine health, but if you exercise too much to fix a herniated disc, it will have the opposite effect. You shouldn’t exercise when your back hurts. When exercising for the first time, it is safest to start with light exercise such as walking or riding an indoor bicycle, and gradually increase the intensity and time within the range of pain following the body adapts to the exercise. In addition to walking, good exercises for the herniated disc include swimming, abdominal muscle strengthening stretching, wellness stretching, aerobics, and cycling.

Lastly, for the health of the spine, you must ‘stay away from fashion that is harmful to the waist’. For example, you should avoid wearing high heels, carrying a shoulder bag, wearing a miniskirt, wearing a tight belt, and putting your wallet in your back pocket. When you wear high heels, your hips fall back as much as the height of the high heels, and your body balance leans forward. Then, in order to balance the body, the spine is bent too far forward, which is what is called lordosis. You should also get rid of the habit of carrying a shoulder bag on only one shoulder. This is because such a habit can cause the body to twist by breaking the right-left balance of the muscles. It is better to use a backpack for back health rather than a shoulder bag. A tight belt overly strains the back muscles and causes the back to become weak. The habit of putting your wallet in your back pocket twists your pelvis. Instead of carrying your wallet in your back pocket, take care of your back health by carrying a small bag.

Lifestyle Remedies to Relieve Back Pain

A herniated disc causes a lot of pain. One of the methods that many people have used to relieve back pain since a long time ago was ‘Jjimjil’. As you live, you may experience back pain, and ice packs are good for such sudden pain. An ice pack is to make an ice pack and massage it for 10 to 20 minutes on the painful area. Ice can relieve pain in most situations.

Next, heat compresses are good for chronic back pain. Heat compresses help to relax muscles while increasing blood flow to the painful area. I usually use a hot pack, but if I don’t have a hot pack, it’s okay to use a towel soaked in hot water or slightly heated in a microwave oven. Be careful not to apply heat for more than 30 minutes.

Lastly, there is a poultice bath and a green onion bath. Eucommia prevents muscle spasms, relieves back pain, and improves blood circulation. Green onion roots are warm in nature and have a radiating effect, quickly removing cold from the waist. Eucommia poultice is to put Eucommia in water and decoct it until it becomes soft, then take it out, wrap it in a cloth, and apply it to the sore spot. However, care should be taken as the color of the caterpillar can stain clothes. For steamed green onion, three white parts of green onion roots are crushed, poured with five bowls of water, and boiled hot for regarding an hour. After that, soak a towel in boiled water, wrap it with green onion roots, and apply it to the painful area. Since green onion steaming is as hot as if it had been applied with pars, it is recommended to steam it only 3 to 4 times a day.

In addition to compresses, it is also a good idea to wear a medical aid to relieve back pain. There are various types of medical aids on the market for back pain relief. The point is to wear medical braces only for the minimum amount of time during work, as wearing them for a long time weakens muscle strength and puts strain on the spine. Medical braces literally serve an auxiliary function, not a treatment, so if used appropriately, a great effect can be seen.

good food for herniated disc

Foods that are good for herniated discs are foods that are high in calcium, vitamins, and fiber. Calcium is a major component of bone. These days, there are many different calcium preparations that supplement calcium, but since calcium does not dissolve well in water, commercially available calcium preparations are not very helpful, and overuse can cause digestive problems. However, calcium in food is relatively well absorbed, so it is good to eat foods that your bones like on a regular basis.

Vitamins are just as important as calcium. If there is a lack of vitamins, there is a disorder in the human body’s metabolic process, and the natural healing power is reduced. In particular, vitamins C and D are very important for spinal patients because they directly affect bone health. Finally, beef bones, doganitang, bone-in fish, milk, dairy products, chives, carrots, and vinegar are also effective foods for herniated discs.




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