Citizens are waiting in line for testing at the temporary COVID-19 screening test station in front of the Olympic Park Peace Gate on the 31st.[사진=연합뉴스]
On the 31st, the number of new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) new cases across the country recorded 13,000 as of 9 p.m. tally.
According to the quarantine authorities and each local government, including the Seoul Metropolitan Government, a total of 13,592 people tested positive for COVID-19 in 17 cities and provinces across the country from 00:00 to 9pm on the same day.
The number of 15,592 people is 1,550 fewer than the record for the same time zone the day before (15,142 people). This appears to be due to the decrease in the number of tests due to the Lunar New Year holiday.
As there is still time until midnight, when the counting ends, the number of new confirmed cases to be announced on February 1 is expected to increase even more.
On this day, 8055 (59.3%) of new confirmed cases occurred in the metropolitan area and 5537 (40.7%) in non-metropolitan areas.
By region, △Seoul 3652 △Gyeonggi 3043 △Incheon 1360 △Busan 980 △Daegu 945 △Gyeongbuk 616 △Gwangju 495 △Daejeon 459 △Chungnam 409 △Jeonbuk 298 △Gangwon 254 △Ulsan 252 △ 230 in North Chungcheong △ 212 in Gyeongnam △ 198 in Jeonnam △ 108 in Sejong △ 81 in Jeju.
Since the Omicron mutation became the dominant species in Korea, the number of new confirmed cases has continued to increase, reaching 17,000 in the last three days.
If you look at the number of new confirmed cases by day for one week from the 25th, 8570 → 13,09 → 14,514 → 16,094 → 17,517 → 17,529 → 17,085 on average, regarding 10,000 per day 4903 people.

- reporter information
- Jeon Jeon-wook
- [email protected]
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