[종합] ‘Doll Singles 3’ Jo Ye-young, ♥ Han Jeong-min From washing underwear to meeting her brother-in-law, she still goes straight

Han Jeong-min ♥ Jo Ye-young couple met Han Jeong-min’s brother-in-law and shared their cautious thoughts about marriage. Yoo Hyun-cheol changed 180 degrees as if he was in love with Byun Hye-jin’s professional appearance.

In the MBN ‘Dol Singles 3’ broadcast on the 28th, Han Jeong-min and Jo Ye-young sat close together on the evening of the second day and went on a memory trip. We had a great time looking at the photos we took on a date together.

The next day, Han Jeong-min got up early in the morning to get ready for work. After Han Jeong-min went to work, Jo Ye-young did her housework and showed sincerity in washing her underwear while hand washing her underwear.

At that time, Jo Ye-young, who was alone, received a phone call from Han Jeong-min, who was worried about her. Jo Ye-young revealed that she was sucking her panties to Han Jung-min, who was greatly embarrassed. Han Jeong-min said, “Don’t do it anymore, like that.” But Ye-Young Jo hung up her phone and gave her a smile as she did her hand washing again.

That evening, there was a guest visiting the couple Hanjeong-min and Jo Ye-young. Han Jung-min’s brother-in-law. Jo Ye-young was going to prepare her breast meat to meet Han Jeong-min’s brother-in-law, but she didn’t know how to breast-feed.

While Han Jeong-min had not yet arrived due to a traffic jam, Han Jeong-min’s brother-in-law arrived first. When the brother-in-law found out that Han Jeong-min had not arrived, he just stiffened and was at a loss for what to do.

Jo Ye-young hurriedly called Han Jung-min, but Han Jeong-min did not answer the phone. An awkward silence passed between the two of them, and Han Jeong-min, who answered the phone, embarrassed Jo Ye-young by saying that he would be 10 to 15 minutes late.

In an interview with the production team, Jo Ye-young confessed, “It was the first time I met (with Han Jung-min) my closest aides, and I was worried about how I would look.”

While Jo Ye-young and her brother-in-law were having an awkward time, Han Jeong-min arrived. The three of them exchanged greetings and prepared dinner. Fortunately, the beef broth Jo Ye-young made was delicious.

My brother-in-law told me why he came to ‘Dol Singles 3’ for Han Jeong-min. My brother-in-law said, “When my wife and I got married, (Jeong-min Han) helped me a lot. Thank you very much.” “If you watch ‘Doll Singles’ before, most of the family came to the newlyweds. But my family (the schedule doesn’t match) ), I came because I was afraid that my brother-in-law’s family relationship would look bad.”

Jo Ye-young praised Han Han-min. She said of Han Jeong-min that she was “really caring and giving for me, and makes me a very happy person. She is serious and thoughtful,” she said.

My brother-in-law asked Jo Ye-young what her job was, and Han Jeong-min answered instead that she was helping her father’s business in Paju. At this time, Jo Ye-young suddenly asked Han Jung-min, “Did you not think of coming up because of me?” Han Jeong-min did not give an accurate answer as if he had never thought of such a thing.

While seeing off her brother-in-law, Jo Ye-young asked her to deliver the gift she had prepared for Han Jeong-min’s parents. As she did, she burst into tears. Han Jeong-min was also moved to tears when he saw that. Jo Ye-young said, “I’m sorry to greet you like this.”

Meanwhile, Yoo Hyeon-cheol and Byun Hye-jin went through moments that were at odds with each other. Yoo Hyeon-cheol showed a view of love saying, “It’s okay to die like love”, while Byun Hye-jin said, “I don’t have boredom and I don’t think it will go on like that.”

In particular, Yoo Hyun-cheol did not answer Byun Hye-jin’s question, “What shall we do tomorrow?” Byun Hye-jin was left alone.

In an interview with the production team, Byun Hye-jin said, “There are things that I just listen to without a soul. There are times when I talk to myself even while talking. It was the same in the car.”

There was also a sad moment for Yoo Hyun-chul. In an interview, Yoo Hyeon-cheol said, “It was a little sad to see them concentrating on private gatherings while they were with me. When I was talking while driving, I couldn’t concentrate at all.”

On the morning of the third day, Yoo Hyun-cheol showed an indifferent look once again. The two decided to go to work and visit Hye-jin Byun’s exhibition together, but Yoo Hyun-cheol didn’t know where they were going.

However, the atmosphere at the exhibition was different. The two naturally held hands while viewing the exhibition together, and walked holding hands until the exhibition was over.

At the end of the exhibition, there was the name of director Hyejin Byun. Afterwards, she met with her co-worker, Hye-jin Byun, and showed a professional appearance, taking care of everything she checked while watching the exhibition. In an interview with the production team, Yoo Hyun-cheol said, “I feel attracted to people who do their work professionally.

I think Hyejin looks better.”

Yoo Hyun-chul, who returned to the house where he lived together, showed a completely different atmosphere than before. He sat next to Hye-jin Byun, who was working, and asked questions, and when he said he wanted to eat fried eggs, he made them himself, etc. He even showed him feeding Byun Hye-jin, and seeing a 180-degree change from before, Jung Gyu-woon was bewildered, saying, “Isn’t it nice to just have a working woman?”

[유은영 스타투데이 객원기자]

PhotoㅣMBN broadcast screen capture

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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