[정치]The ruling and opposition parties resume budget negotiations… War of nerves over the proposal to dismiss Lee Sang-min


The heads of the ruling and opposition policy committees and the secretaries of the budget committee have entered into full-scale negotiations over the next year’s government budget bill, which has passed the legal deadline.

Amidst the still tense disagreement, sharp wars of nerves are going on over the proposal to dismiss Minister of Public Administration and Security Lee Sang-min.

Correspondence to Parliamentary Correspondents. Reporter Park Ki-wan!


Yes, this is the National Assembly.


Have the negotiations started yet?


The ruling and opposition parties launched the ‘2+2 Policy Council’ to review next year’s budget from 4:00 pm a little while ago.

People’s Power Seong Il-jong, chairman of the policy committee, Kim Seong-hwan, chairman of the policy committee of the Democratic Party, and secretaries of the ruling and opposition parties met in one place.

We plan to focus on discussing the issue of the reduction or increase of the amount that has not been reached in the previous subcommittee.

The policy consultative body plans to continue discussions until tomorrow and submit the budget bill to the plenary session on the 8th.

However, there is a possibility that issues with large differences between the ruling and opposition parties, such as the tax reform bill, the cost of relocating the presidential office and the budget for public rental housing, can be resolved through final negotiations between the floor leaders if negotiations do not go smoothly.


The handling of the budget bill and the proposal to dismiss Minister Lee Sang-min are still connected. What is the position of the ruling and opposition parties?


Yes, the ruling and opposition parties are fiercely confronting the proposed dismissal of Minister of Public Administration and Security Lee Sang-min.

The power of the people is still in the position of taking responsibility for Minister Lee Sang-min after the parliamentary investigation.

Representative Joo appeared on KBS this morning and warned that he knew that the Democratic Party would issue an impeachment bill instead of a dismissal bill at the plenary session on the 8th or 9th, and that it would be difficult to compromise the budget bill.

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Let’s hear it for ourselves.

[주호영 / 국민의힘 원내대표 (KBS ‘일요진단 라이브’) : (민주당은) 탄핵소추안을 내고, 해임건의안은 취소하겠다는 그런 입장 가진 것으로 알고 있습니다. 탄핵소추안이 나온 상태에서 예산이 타협에 이르기는 어려울 것으로 보고 있습니다.]

In response, the Democratic Party countered that the plan to issue a motion for impeachment if the dismissal proposal was processed and President Yoon Seok-yeol did not accept it did not change.

At the same time, he criticized that it is bad politics to link the budget for public livelihood with the move of Minister Lee Sang-min.

Let’s listen next.

[이수진 / 더불어민주당 원내대변인 : 이태원 참사 책임을 묻는 이상민 장관의 거취와 내년 예산안 처리 연계는 민생을 대통령 고교 후배 장관 방탄에 사용하는 나쁜 정치입니다.]

The Democratic Party explained that it would decide on the final censure plan for Minister Lee Sang-min through a leadership meeting and a general meeting of lawmakers before this week’s plenary session.

The confrontation is expected to continue for a while as the Democratic Party’s position that the budget bill processing and dismissal proposals are linked and the Democratic Party’s position that they should be viewed separately is sharp.

So far, it has been delivered in the National Assembly.

YTN Park Ki-wan (parkkw0616@ytn.co.kr)

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