[정치]Kim Seung-hee’s trajectory ‘worried’ due to concerns over the death… Appointment of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff


As President Yoon Seok-yeol returns to Korea following completing the NATO summit schedule, attention is focused on whether or not he will proceed with the appointment of candidates for public office that have not gone through the National Assembly personnel hearings.

Kim Seung-hee, who is also concerned within the ruling party, is expected to continue to struggle over the course of health and welfare minister candidate Kim Seung-hee.

This is reporter Jung Hyun-woo.


At an in-flight meeting on the way home from the NATO summit, President Yoon Seok-yeol kept quiet regarding domestic issues, including the appointment of Kim Seung-hee, nominee for Health and Welfare Minister, and Park Soon-ae, nominee for education, deputy prime minister.

[윤석열 / 대통령 : 일단 오늘은 국내 문제는 서울에 돌아가서 파악해보고 답변을 하기로 하고….]

Although the deadline for retransmission of the personnel hearing report has passed, the appointment has not been approved on the day of return.

In particular, regarding candidate Kim Seung-hee, it seems that the ruling party has taken into account strong concerns when the National Election Commission commissioned the prosecution to investigate allegations of misappropriation of political funds while he was a member of the National Assembly.

[성일종 / 국민의힘 정책위의장 : 아마 실무자의 실수는 있는 것 같은데 어찌 됐든 모든 책임은 국회의원이 지는 것이기 때문에 지금 현재 수사가 의뢰된 것은 상당히 적절하지 않다고 생각합니다.]

In relation to the two candidates, the Democratic Party continued an offensive day following day, saying that it would test the people’s patience with the personnel disaster, or that President Yoon should withdraw his nomination.

[박홍근 / 더불어민주당 원내대표 : 무자격자의 무 청문 통과 꿈도 꾸지 마십시오. 이번에도 청문도 없이 윤 대통령이 또다시 임명을 강행하거나 강행을 염두에 둔 지연 꼼수를 부린다면 중대한 민심 배반행위가 될 것입니다.]

Candidate Kim’s side showed a willingness to break through the front by refusing to use political funds on purpose through the personnel hearing preparation team.

President Yoon’s approval rating fell to 43%, down 4 percentage points from last week, with personnel issues being the most common reason for negative evaluation.

Candidate Seung-hee Kim, who has been the subject of investigation by the prosecution in the face of worsening public opinion, has no choice but to worry regarding, but if the vacancy in the National Assembly becomes longer, there is a possibility that the appointment of Park Soon-ae will be pushed forward.

In addition, in consideration of the security situation, such as the North Korean nuclear threat, the opposition party protested when it was reported that the appointment of Kim Seung-gyeom as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff had also been approved without a personnel hearing.

[김병주 / 더불어민주당 의원 : 청문회를 거치지 않고 하는 꼴이 됩니다. 국회를 무시하는 처사고 국민을 무시하는 처사입니다.]

There is also concern that the confrontation between the ruling and opposition parties will hardly be resolved if the appointment is repeated in a situation where the opposition party independently convened an extraordinary session of the National Assembly in July and requested a personnel hearing.

This is YTN Jung Hyun-woo.

YTN Hyunwoo Jung (junghw5043@ytn.co.kr)

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