[정치]Full-scale enforcement of the Conflicts of Interest Act…”Total investigation of high-ranking public officials in the second half of the year”


‘Conflict of interest’ is the key that penetrates the LH incident, which caused public outrage last year, and the candidates for the State Council, which were controversial at the recent personnel hearings.

The Conflict of Interest Prevention Act, which passed the National Assembly following twists and turns at the end of April last year, will go into full force tomorrow, one year following it was passed.

It applies to 15,000 public institutions and 2 million public officials.

Reporter Kim Se-ho on the sidewalk.


Last year, the so-called LH incident that caused public outrage when it was revealed that some employees of Korea Land and Housing Corporation were speculating on land with inside information!

[변창흠 / 당시 국토교통부 장관 : 불미스러운 일이 발생한 데 대하여 진심으로 통감하고 국민 여러분과 의원님께 깊은 사과의 말씀 드립니다.]

Controversy of conflicts of interest lies at the heart of the controversy over the transfer of medical school to the child of Minister of Health and Welfare Nominee Jeong Ho-young’s child, and the history of Prime Minister candidate Han Deok-soo’s visit to Kim & Chang, which was highlighted at the recent personnel hearings.

In the midst of this, the Public Officials Conflict of Interest Prevention Act, passed by the National Assembly at the end of April last year, will be implemented in earnest one year following it was passed.

More than 15,000 institutions, including the National Assembly, courts, central administrative agencies, and public service-related organizations, and 2 million public officials are all subject to this law.

The main contents are five obligations to submit a report, such as requiring public officials working in real estate handling organizations to report to the head of the institution they belong to when their relatives own or buy land in the real estate development area of ​​their institution.

In addition, there are 10 behavioral standards, including 5 restrictive obligations, such as prohibiting the hiring of the family of a high-ranking public official without going through a competitive process.

Violation of the law might result in criminal punishment of up to 7 years in prison, depending on the case.

[전현희 / 권익위원장 : 위반 시에는 징계는 물론이고 과태료를 부과하거나 부당이익 환수, 또 형사처벌 규정 등 매우 엄격한 처벌조항을 규정하고 있습니다.]

The Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission plans to require high-ranking public officials to submit details of their activities in the private sector in the second half of this year and conduct a full investigation to determine whether the law has been properly implemented.

As members of the State Council newly appointed by the Yun Seok-Yeol administration are also eligible, we plan to report all matters that fall under the obligation to submit reports by next month.

Prior to the enforcement of the Act, the ACRC conducted a survey of local governments and local lawmakers, and it was found that more than 10,000 people were caught.

For this reason, it is expected that there may be a big ripple in the public service society depending on the results of the investigation following the law is enacted in earnest.

This is YTN Kim Se-ho.

YTN Kim Se-ho (se-35@ytn.co.kr)

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