[전국]Secretly slaughtering dogs for over 15 years… “The government neglects illegally”

Police crack down on illegal dog slaughterhouses with civic groups
After more than 15 years of illegal slaughter… Use of weapons and noose
Civic group “Government and local governments neglect illegal slaughterhouses”

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An illegal dog slaughterhouse that has been operating secretly in Daejeon for over 15 years has been discovered.

Civic groups have raised their voices that the government and local governments are effectively neglecting dog slaughterhouses, and that terrible illegal slaughtering is inevitable.

By Dong-Hoon Yang.


One by one, the dogs that had been clinging to each other in the small cage came out.

Dogs trapped in so-called ‘floating cages’ with an open floor are transferred to a transport vehicle.

After receiving reports that there was a farm where dogs were slaughtered illegally for a long time, the police, along with a civic group, went to the rescue.

Police, local governments and civic groups rescued 24 dogs from the farm and moved 14 of them to the shelter.

The remaining 10 were sent to other shelters.

Police believe the farm owner has been slaughtering dogs for at least 15 years.

Although it is small for a slaughter facility, it has been investigated that the method used to cause serious pain to the dog, such as using a knife or a snare.

[백용식 / 대전 유성경찰서 진잠파출소 4팀장 : (불법) 도축하고 이런 부분 증거가 다 나왔고, 동물보호법 위반으로 입건해서 조사하는 쪽으로 진행하겠습니다.]

NGOs participating in the dog rescue have criticized the current government and local governments for not improving the problem as they are just leaving the illegal dog slaughterhouses alone.

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[최윤정 / 동물권행동 카라 활동가 : 불법 행위는 명백하고, 불법적으로 행해지고 있는 장소들이 많은데, 이런 것을 적발하고 제보하고 또 단속하고 폐쇄시키는 것은 거의 시민들이 나서서 지금 하고 있는 실태입니다.]

The ‘Committee for the Discussion of Dog Food Issues’, launched at the end of last year by the government, has not reached a conclusion and has extended its operating period indefinitely.

While discussions on how to deal with illegal dog slaughter are delayed, dogs continue to suffer painful deaths while being kept in cramped and unclean conditions.

This is YTN Donghoon Yang.

YTN Donghoon Yang (yangdh01@ytn.co.kr)

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