[전국]If you forget, a ‘big accident’… Yeosu Industrial Complex, aging and risk outsourcing serious

Most of the victims of the Yeocheon NCC explosion belong to subcontractors
Subcontractor workers suffered a lot… Repeat ‘outsourcing risk’
The aging of the Yeosu Industrial Complex… Need to enact legislation to reorganize industrial complexes
Police investigate explosion accident company officials… compulsory investigation


On the 11th, an explosion occurred at the Yeocheon NCC factory in Yeosu Industrial Complex, Jeollanam-do, killing 4 people and injuring 4 others.

The root causes of accidents are the aging of the industrial complex and outsourcing of risks.

A major improvement seems urgent to prevent safety accidents at the Yeosu Industrial Complex that are repeated every time.

This is reporter Na Hyun-ho.


The explosion at Yeocheon NCC in Yeosu, Jeollanam-do killed four people in an instantaneous explosion.

Except for one worker who died in the accident, the remaining 3 dead and 4 injured were all subcontractors.

[조병만 / 여천NCC 기술기획팀장 : 작업에 특화된 전문 업체가 있습니다. 그런 업체에 계약을 통해서 정비 작업을 수행하고 있습니다.]

Just two months ago, an explosion occurred at the Yeosu Industrial Complex, killing three workers.

Even at that time, all of the victims were daily workers of subcontractors, so the so-called ‘outsourcing of risk’ is repeated.

[최관식 / 민주노총 여수시지부장 : 모든 안전 대책들이 조치 됐다고 믿고 지시된 작업만 하는 거거든요. 그래서 작업에 몰두하다 보면 그 이외의 일어날 수 있는 이러저러한 상황들에 대해서 대비하기가 굉장히 어렵습니다.]

Another problem is outdated facilities.

The Yeosu Industrial Complex, which was built more than 50 years ago, has been stigmatized as a ‘powder of death’.

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This is why it is necessary to enact a law to reorganize old industrial complexes.

[김회재 / 더불어민주당 국회의원 : 노후 산단에 대해서 안전 문제, 환경 문제, 그리고 요즘 문제가 되는 위험의 외주화, 고용 문제까지 포함한 전반적인 문제를 해결할 수 있는 국가산단 특별법을 반드시 제정하도록 하겠습니다.]

The police are investigating the cause of the accident and whether safety regulations were properly followed during the work process by calling in the officials of the company where the accident occurred.

In addition, it is said that they are considering a forced investigation in the near future to secure data related to the accident.

This is YTN Na Hyun-ho.

YTN Na Hyun-ho (nhh7@ytn.co.kr)

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