【Gyeongnam Yonhap Daily】 ‘Today’s Fortune’ March 17, 2022Sunday Thursday (February 15th of the lunar calendar)
▶Rat – 1948 (戊子): It is fun to be with people. 1960 (庚子): You have to hit the stone bridge. 1972 (壬子): Invest generously in yourself. 1984 (甲子): Recognized as a fresh idea. 1996 (丙子): It is a lucky day if you calmly prepare for a job.
▶So – 1949 (己丑): A day with a warm charisma. 1961 (辛丑): Human virtue is also something you create. 1973 (癸丑): Best friends make friends. 1985 (乙丑): Humble yourself in interpersonal relationships. 1997 (丁丑): Happiness is not far away.
▶ Tiger – 1950 (庚寅): A day when patience is the greatest virtue. 1962 (壬寅): Consider the other person’s point of view. 1974 (甲寅): Having a good day with filial piety for children. 1986 (丙寅): The day on which a mistake was made due to drinking. 1998 (戊寅): Now enjoy the reality naturally.
▶Rabbit – 1951 (辛卯): Praise makes even whales dance. 1963 (癸卯): I am glad to hear the good news from a friend. 1975 (乙卯): My mind is busy with new changes. 1987 (丁卯): Worrying does not solve the problem. 1999 (己卯): Act following considering the first and second grades.
▶Yong – 1952 (壬辰): Discuss your concerns with your spouse. 1964 (甲辰): Let’s spend a day not ashamed of ourselves. 1976 (丙辰): Too much meddling causes anger. 1988 (戊辰): A tense day when a rival arises. 2000 (庚辰): Change the atmosphere in the workplace.
▶Snake – 1941 (辛巳): Don’t be biased and follow the moderation. 1953 (癸巳): Rest is the medicine. Taking a nap is also a relief. 1965 (乙巳): Go forward with one thought. There is an answer. 1977 (丁巳): The wounded self-esteem is restored. 1989 (己巳): A day for family harmony and filial piety.
▶ Horse – 1942 (壬午): If you can yield, yield. 1954 (甲午): A day that needs a change of mood. 1966 (丙午): Do not engage in sweet temptations. 1978 (戊午): The truth will eventually prevail. 1990 (庚午): In public matters, private is greed.
▶Yang – 1943 (癸未): A happy day of giving without conditions. 1955 (乙未): Send warm love to your family. 1967 (丁未): There is no better answer to worrying regarding. 1979 (己未): An exciting day with a new relationship. 1991 (辛未): Embarrassed by an unexpected guest.
▶Monkey – 1944 (甲申): Take care of your health as your energy is declining. 1956 (丙申): A day to unite with a trusted friend. 1968 (戊申): Let go of stubbornness and look far. 1980 (庚申): You receive an unexpected gift. 1992 (壬申): Don’t dwell on small gains.
▶Chicken – 1945 (乙酉): I have unexpected good news. 1957 (丁酉): Be careful with what you say. 1969 (己酉): A day of doing your best with passion. 1981 (辛酉): Recognized by the boss at work. 1993 (癸酉): The instep is stamped by the ax you believe in.
▶Dog – 1946 (丙戌): Avoid financial transactions with acquaintances. 1958 (戊戌): Be motivated, but do not rush. 1970 (庚戌): The sail is set in a gentle wind, and everything goes smoothly. 1982 (壬戌): Hasty judgment only leads to regret. 1994 (甲戌): Give me a break sometimes.
▶Pig – 1947 (丁亥): Take interest in leisure. 1959 (己亥): Fill your day with service in your daily life. 1971 (辛亥): Beware of accidents while driving or going out. 1983 (癸亥): Go home early today. 1995 (乙亥): Rest makes the mind comfortable.
Doctor of Oriental Studies Heo San Soon-ok Shin
☎010-6566-7679, www.Malgeum Family Psychological Counseling Center.kr
/ Gyeongnam Yeonhap Ilbo [email protected]
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