[영상] ‘K-shell’ powers Ukraine’s counterattack… Russia confronts North Korean volunteers

[영상]  'K-shell' powers Ukraine's counterattack...  Russia confronts North Korean volunteers

(Seoul = News 1) Correspondent Cho Yoon-hyeong = The Ukrainian government has further solidified its plan to launch a ‘counterattack’ at the end of April to regain the occupied territories. In response, Russia is expected to confront it by sending in North Korean volunteer troops, but it does not look easy due to the loss of accumulated power.

Mikhailo Podolyak, adviser to the President of Ukraine, said in an interview with the Wall Street Journal on the 13th (local time) that “the information contained in the leaked classified documents has no operational significance.”

This is interpreted as meaning that the Ukrainian military will not be concerned about the leak of US documents and will launch an attack as originally planned.

In this regard, Western experts predicted that “Ukrainian forces will attempt to cut off the land route connecting the Crimean Peninsula, which Russia forcibly annexed, to the Russian mainland.”

Meanwhile, according to a recent report by The Dong-A Ilbo, Ukraine’s counterattack included K-Defense’s 155mm roundabout support.

Previously, the US government signed a contract to receive 500,000 155mm shells in the form of rental from Korea. It is reported that the US government plans to fill 500,000 rounds with the stockpile of the US military and to supply the existing artillery shells of the US military to Ukraine.

Russian forces are also preparing for a counterattack from Ukraine. Russian media ‘Russkaya Vesta (Russian Spring)’ reported that North Korean volunteer troops would be dispatched to a special military operation area in eastern Ukraine to support the Russian army.

According to the media, North Korea’s infantry and artillery are expected to bring their own weapons such as shells to the war in Ukraine.

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Accordingly, an anonymous Russian military officer predicted that up to 15,000 North Korean troops could be deployed every month. In addition, the Russian side said that it is looking for officers who can speak Korean for operational cooperation.

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