[사회]’Yun Seok-yeol Line’ aimed at power in the past?…Kim Gun-hee’s conclusion pays attention


With the appointment of high-ranking prosecutors following the inauguration of the new government, from tomorrow (23rd), the ‘Yun Seok-Yeol Division’ will be officially assigned to key positions in the prosecution.

While it seems that the investigation into power in the past is expected to begin in earnest, attention is also focused on the conclusion of Mrs. Kim Gun-hee, who is suspected of being involved in the Deutsche Motors stock manipulation case.

This is reporter Woo Cheol-hee.


Since the inauguration of the Yun Seok-yeol government and the inauguration of Justice Minister Han Dong-hoon, the highest-ranking public prosecutor’s office was, of course, the head of the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office.

This is because it deals with major cases where public opinion is concentrated as it is the largest in the prosecution service.

The new Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office, Song Kyung-ho, as well as Koh Hyung-gon, the 4th deputy chief of the special investigation, is considered a representative player of the ‘Yun Seok-yeol division’.

‘Song Kyung-ho-Go Hyung-gon’ line, a former special education officer, was also in charge of the investigation of the former Justice Minister Cho Kuk family.

Now, there is also a prospect that the so-called ‘upper line’ investigation into the Daejang-dong suspicion that the ruling party, People’s Power, continues to raise will resume.

At the time of the Daejang-dong project, it is interesting to see whether it will target the standing advisor Lee Jae-myung, who was the mayor of Seongnam and the presidential candidate of the Democratic Party of Korea.

Cases involving torture Lee Jae-myung are elsewhere.

Similarly, at the Suwon District Prosecutors’ Office led by Hong Seung-wook, the new chief of the Prosecutor’s Office, which is classified as a ‘Yun Seok-yeol line’, there is an investigation into the ‘Songnam FC sponsorship suspicion’ conducted under the supervision of the affiliated Seongnam Branch, as well as the ‘suspected payment of attorney’s fees’ by Lee Jae-myung.

Regarding the Moon Jae-in administration, there is a suspicion of a ‘Ministry of Industry blacklist’ in charge of the Seoul Eastern District Prosecutors’ Office.

[백운규 / 전 산업통상자원부 장관 (지난 19일) : 지시받고 움직이지 않았고 항상 법과 규정을 저희가 준수하면서….]

In addition, attention is focused on whether the Seoul Southern District Prosecutors’ Office, which has been revived by the Joint Securities Crimes Investigation Team, will look into the Lime and Optimus Fund allegations involving Democrats.

However, it is expected that the controversy over ‘retaliation investigation’ will become a variable in the investigation as to when the appointment of a manager-level mid-level executive to match the newly changed command will be made.

The Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office is also in charge of investigations related to the new power.

The decision on whether to prosecute Kim in relation to the case of Deutsche Motors stock price manipulation, which is suspected of implicating First Lady Kim Gun-hee, is being delayed.

It is an atmosphere where more weight is given to the prospect of not being charged with a written investigation.

[고민정 / 더불어민주당 의원 (지난 19일) : (도이치모터스 주가조작 수사 관련) 김건희 여사 수사하실 겁니까?]

[한동훈 / 법무부 장관 (지난 19일) : 금 수사가 대단히 많이 진행돼 있죠.]

[고민정 / 더불어민주당 의원 (지난 19일) : 소환조사가 이뤄져야만 상식적인 것 아닙니까?]

[한동훈 / 법무부 장관 (지난 19일) : 수사의 방식은 여러 가지가 있고요.]

While an intense investigation into the past power of the ‘Yun Seok-Yeol Division’, who has returned splendidly following the inauguration of the new government, is expected, attention is also focused on the results of the investigation into the living power that will come before this.

This is YTN Woo Cheol-hee.

YTN Woo Cheol-hee ([email protected])

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