A cyber hacking that overloads the server by sending a lot of data at once is called a DDoS attack.
It is simple yet so powerful that it is a cybercrime that even corporations suffer from.
However, recently, the number of cases of DDoS attacks like this in PC rooms in the metropolitan area is increasing.
Reporter Kang Min-kyung found out.
This is a PC room in Gunpo-si, Gyeonggi-do.
A female customer calls an employee to complain that the computer has stopped.
Soon following, the students on the other side shouted and looked around.
On the other side, middle-aged men leave their seats altogether.
Computers that have been attacked by DDoS are all shut down.
The president, who has been running this PC room for three years, complains that this is already the second time in a month.
[김태민 / 경기도 군포시 PC방 사장 : 두 번째 (공격)에는 매출이 코로나 때까지 떨어져서 지금 폐업까지 고민하고 있는 상황입니다.]
There are not one or two PC rooms suffering from DDoS attacks.
This PC room in Suwon has also been constantly being attacked by DDoS since two months ago. The robbery was so severe that it had to be closed for a full month or so recently.
[이상태 / 경기도 수원시 PC방 대표 : 손님들 이미지까지 안 좋아져서 재방문까지 잘 이루어지지도 않고요. 생계도 굉장히 막막하고 이걸 어떻게 해야 할지….]
In the end, there have been cases where the company went bankrupt following taking a loss of hundreds of millions of won.
But there is no good solution.
This is because DDoS attacks are a method of inducing server overload by suddenly pouring large amounts of data, so there is no fundamental blocking method.
It is possible to change the IP address targeted by the Internet provider by requesting it, but it is useless if the worker visits the server and repairs the server one by one, and even hacking and attacking the changed IP address once more is useless.
However, it is difficult to expect government support or countermeasures.
Although the Korea Internet & Security Agency operates a system called ‘Cyber Shelter’ that blocks DDoS attacks by bypassing traffic for a certain period of time, PC rooms are not eligible for support.
[한국인터넷진흥원 관계자 : 홈페이지를 운영하는 중소기업을 대상으로 제공을 하는 것이거든요. 소규모 PC방들이 그런 홈페이지를 운영하고 있지 않기 때문에 서비스를 제공하기는 쉽지 않을 것 같다….]
In the end, the business owners who suffered the damage turned to the police cybercrime for help.
However, due to the nature of the investigation that traces back IP, it takes at least several months to catch the criminal.
In the meantime, the worries of the self-employed who have to roll their feet for a living are getting deeper and deeper.
This is YTN Kang Min-kyung.
YTN Kang Min-kyung ([email protected])
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