[방송]’Lim Chang-jung ♥’ Seo Ha-yan, memories of living in Jeju for 5 years… Young beauty [리포트:컷]

Singer Lim Chang-jung’s wife Seo Ha-yan revealed her past memories.

On the 10th, Seo Ha-yan posted on her Instagram, “As all my acquaintances know, the dress I wore while working hard on childcare during my five years in Jeju, and when I was pregnant and going out. I briefly looked up the old photos that were there.” along with the photo posted.

Seo Ha-yan was immersed in memories by revealing photos of her past life on Jeju Island. She captivated her attention with her youthful beauty and slim body.

Netizens showed various reactions such as “So pretty”, “I’m stimulated by diet”, “Like a model”, etc.

Reporter Noh Min-taek [email protected] / Photo = Seo Ha-yan Instagram capture

s ⓒ TV Report. Unauthorized premise – no redistribution

[저작권자(c) YTN 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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