[국제]UN “confirms many war crimes in Russia” … Continued indiscriminate airstrikes

Excavation of corpses… Civilian torture trace history
UN Commission of Investigation “Confirms Many War Crimes in Ukraine”
“Most of the Russian military’s responsibility, including mass executions, torture and abuse”


An official UN report has released that Russia has committed many war crimes, including mass executions and sexual assault, in the Ukraine war.

Despite the international criticism of war crimes, Russia continues to strike indiscriminately on Ukraine’s power infrastructure.

Reporter Kim Seon-hee reports.


A mass burial site in Izium, Kharkiv, Ukraine.

When the excavation begins, the corpses come out in heaps.

As many as 450 bodies were found, with their hands tied and ropes around their necks showing signs of torture.

[올레 시네후보프 / 하르키우 주지사 : 어린이 시신이 많습니다. 등 뒤로 손이 묶인 시신도 있고요. 이런 것들을 모두 조사해 법적으로 검토할 예정입니다.]

According to the UN Human Rights Council, a number of war crimes have been confirmed as a result of an investigation into four regions: Kiiu, Kharkiv, and Sumi.

The UN report pointed out that mass executions, illegal detention, torture, abuse, and sexual violence took place mostly in Russian-occupied territory.

It was also confirmed that the Russian military indiscriminately bombarded civilian areas with explosive weapons and attacked civilians trying to escape from the airstrike area.

[에릭 모세 / 우크라이나 조사위원회 위원장 : 국제기구, NGO 등에서 많은 보고가 있었습니다. 하지만 전쟁범죄를 발견했다고 결론을 내린 최초의 단체는 유엔 진상조사단이 아닐까 합니다.]

Russia continues its indiscriminate airstrikes despite criticism that it is committing war crimes.

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The relentless attack on Ukraine’s electricity-related infrastructure has resulted in power outages in more than 1,600 cities and the death toll in the bombing of more than 70 people.

Russia is using Iranian-made self-destruct drones, but Iran denies any supply.

The West, including the United States, Britain and France, have decided to take issue with the UN Security Council over Russia’s use of Iranian-made self-destruct drones.

Russia, which is on the defensive, has attacked Ukraine with Iranian weapons, and civilian casualties are increasing.

This is YTN Kim Seon-hee.

YTN Kim Seon-hee (sunny@ytn.co.kr)

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