Russia temporarily suspends gas supply to Germany for three days from tomorrow due to gas pipeline inspections.
With the expectation that Russia would cut off gas supply altogether using this opportunity, the European Union began to prepare emergency measures.
This is reporter Im Soo-geun.
Russian state-owned gas company Gazprom will shut down the Nordstream 1 gas pipeline once more for three days from tomorrow.
The ostensible reason is a gas pipeline inspection, but it is one of retaliation once morest the European Union.
Germany’s Deputy Prime Minister, Robert Havek, blamed the “bitter reality” of the German government’s policy of overreliance on cheap Russian gas.
[로버트 하벡 / 독일 경제부총리 : 대담이나 정치 연설에서 여름 동안 가능성이 거론됐었는데, 수사적인 가능성이 아니라 씁쓸한 현실이 됐습니다.]
As the energy crisis from Russia is getting worse and worse, the European Union will once more come up with a countermeasure for gas rates on the 9th of next month.
At this meeting, the upper limit on gas rates used for power generation and reform of the electricity market structure will be discussed.
In particular, the European Union is considering a plan to block the linkage of gas rates and electricity rates in order to reduce the sharp rise in electricity rates.
[우르줄라 폰 데어 라이엔 / EU 집행위원장 : 터무니없이 높은 가스 가격 때문에 나타난 결과인데요, 가스 가격과 전기요금의 연동을 차단해야 합니다.]
Meanwhile, Germany announced that it is progressing smoothly in the plan to increase its gas stockpiling rate to 95% by November 1 in preparation for a gas supply stoppage in Russia.
He added that the 85% stockpiling rate, which was initially targeted by October 1, will be achieved by regarding a month earlier.
[올라프 숄츠 / 독일 총리 : 얼마 전 사람들이 예측했던 것보다 이번 겨울 확실히 잘 헤쳐나갈 것입니다. 서로 노력한 결과입니다.]
Despite sanctions from the West, it is estimated that Russia earned $97 billion or 130 trillion won from oil and natural gas sales through July this year.
It is an analysis that Western sanctions have lost power due to increased imports from China, India and Turkey.
This is YTN Im Soo-geun.
YTN Sugeun Lim ([email protected])
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