[국제]”Go home” in Russian-occupied territory… 60,000 anti-war protests in Berlin


Anti-war protests against the Russian army erupted amid gunfire in the Russian-occupied Kherson.

Anti-war protests were held all over Europe, and more than 60,000 people gathered in Berlin to condemn Russia.

This is reporter Kim Jin-ho’s report.


Residents protest right next to a procession of Russian military vehicles in Kherson province in southern Ukraine.

Although it is a Russian-occupied territory, angry residents raise their voices waving Ukrainian flags.

During the protest, gunfire rings out, but the protesters continue to move forward without being shaken.

Even in front of Russian soldiers and vehicles, they do not hesitate and shout to return home.

Anti-war protests took place across Europe on Sunday to protest the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

In particular, in Berlin, the capital of Germany, more than 60,000 people gathered to condemn the Russian invasion and support the Ukrainians.

[헬레네 크라스 / 반전 시위자 : 무엇보다 우크라이나 국민들이 2주 후나 그 이후나 우리가 그들을 잊지 않을 것이라는 것을 아는 것이 매우 중요합니다.]

[코스티안틴 로진 / 베를린 거주 우크라이나인 : 싸우기에 무력하고 무의미하다고 생각되는 이런 상황에서도 우크라이나인들은 멈추지 않고 싸워 이길 수 있을 것입니다.]

Protesters marched from Alexanderplatz in central Berlin, across the city center, past the Russian Embassy and the Brandenburg Gate to the Victory Monument.

Anti-war protests followed in Warsaw and other major European cities such as London, Rome and Milan.

Nearly 700 people were arrested in anti-war protests in Ukraine in 36 Russian cities, the Associated Press reported.

This is YTN Kim Jin-ho.

YTN Jinho Kim (jhkim@ytn.co.kr)

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