[국제]France-Germany Summit…The entire German Cabinet is dispatched to Paris

Franco-German Leaders Commemorate 60th Anniversary of the Treaty of Elysee
For reconciliation between the two countries, the 1963 Elysee Treaty was signed.
President of the French-German leaders, joint ministerial meeting
The entire German cabinet visits Paris for a joint ministerial meeting


Germany and France, the two great powers of Europe, met in Paris, France, to hold a joint ministerial meeting and pledged cooperation between the two countries.

The meeting was so extensive that all members of the German cabinet came to Paris for the meeting.

This is reporter Kim Jin-ho’s report.


The leaders of France and Germany met in Paris to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Elysée Treaty.

The Treaty of Elysees was concluded on January 22, 1963 to end the long-standing hostile relationship between the two countries for cooperation and reconciliation, and is considered to be the foundation that led to the birth of the European Union.

French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz pledged cooperation between the two countries with one voice.

[에마뉘엘 마크롱 / 프랑스 대통령 : 독일과 프랑스의 책임은 유럽 정치권을 통해 유럽 가족 전체의 결속력을 강화하는 것입니다.]

[올라프 숄츠 / 독일 총리 : 유럽 국가들의 다가올 통합은 프랑스와 독일의 세기적 대립을 제거할 것을 요구하고 있습니다.]

After the ceremony, the two leaders presided over a joint ministerial meeting in the fields of energy, economy and defense at the Elysee Palace.

The entire German cabinet came to Paris for a joint ministerial meeting on Sunday.

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At the meeting, the focus was on whether to support main battle tanks for Ukraine, the US inflation reduction law, and how to respond to the IRA.

The meeting, which was originally scheduled to take place in October of last year, was postponed due to disagreements between the two countries on various pending issues, such as energy shortages caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and countermeasures against inflation.

The two leaders hope to build Europe together for the next generation and share the same ambition of a strong and sovereign Europe, which will strengthen Europe’s independent voice.

This is YTN Kim Jin-ho.

YTN Jinho Kim (jhkim@ytn.co.kr)

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