[국제]Food catastrophe in the aftermath of war and drought.. “Children starved in Africa in earnest”


More children are dying of hunger in northeastern Africa, the worst drought in 40 years in the wake of the Ukraine war.

The West is calling for a solution to the problem, saying that this problem is occurring as Ukraine’s food exports are halted due to Russia’s blockade of the Black Sea port, but Russia says it is not their responsibility.

Reporter Kang Seong-ok reports.


“Thousands of people have recently died of starvation in Somalia,” the UN’s humanitarian coordinator in Somalia said on the 8th local time.

There has not been enough rain in the four rainy seasons already, but there are concerns that the number of starvation deaths may increase explosively when the ‘dry rainy season’ strikes once more.

Africa is experiencing the worst food shortage in history, from COVID-19, a surge in prices caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, to the worst drought in the past two years.

[루이지 디 마이오 이탈리아 외무장관 : 밀 수출을 막는는 것은 수백만 명의 인류에게 사형을 선고하고 인질극을 벌이는 것을 의미합니다. 러시아로부터 협조가 있을 것으로 기대합니다.]

The Russian and Turkish foreign ministers held talks to secure a channel for exporting grain to Ukraine, but no solution was found.

On the contrary, Russia shunned it, saying it was not their responsibility.

[세르게이 라브로프 / 러시아 외무장관 : 우크라이나 곡물 수출량은 전세계 1%에도 못미칩니다. 지금 상황은 식량위기와 아무런 관련이 없습니다.]

Ukraine is one of the world’s largest exporters of wheat, corn and sunflower oil.

Since the Russian invasion, regarding 22 million tons of grain have been blocked off export routes and are piling up in silos.

The followingmath of the Ukrainian war and the worst drought in Africa are pushing the world into a food catastrophe.

This is YTN Kang Seong-ok.

YTN Kang Seong-ok ([email protected])

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