Countries around the world are grappling with a route for exporting Ukrainian grain to replace a port closed to Russia.
First of all, overland export through neighboring countries is an alternative, but it is unknown how effective it will be.
Reporter Lee Sang-soon on the sidewalk.
The port of Constanta, Romania, which faces the Black Sea, has a lot of cargo these days.
Because of the procession of trucks full of Ukrainian grain.
[플로린 고이다 / 콘스탄타 항구 총지배인 : 항구 가동률이 지난해에 비하면 10∼11% 증가했습니다. 이런 추세가 연말까지 이어질 것으로 예상합니다.]
In addition to trucks, Ukrainian grain is also being transported by trains and barges to Poland and Slovakia.
This is because major ports such as Odessa are blocked by Russia.
[스테판 / 트럭 운전사 : 모든 게 막혔어요. 바다도 막히고 무역 관계도 닫혔습니다. 그래서 루마니아를 통한 새로운 경로를 개발해 해야 했습니다.]
Currently, 25 million tons of grain are tied up in Ukraine without being exported abroad.
In the followingmath, food crises are escalating in the Middle East and Africa.
The main agenda of the G7 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting held on the 12th was also an alternative export plan for Ukrainian grains.
[쳄 외츠데미어 / 독일 농업부장관 : G7은 세계를 잊지 말아야 합니다. 우리는 시장이 닫히는 것을 원치 않습니다. 시장은 열려 있어야 하고 투기적 시장 행위에 맞서 우리가 함께 대응하기를 원합니다.]
Exporting via land is the only alternative, but it seems that the amount that can be transported will inevitably decrease.
Ukraine is the world’s third largest exporter of barley and fifth largest exporter of wheat.
Ukraine alleges that Russia looted granaries following the invasion and either took them home or destroyed them.
This is YTN Lee Sang-soon.
YTN Lee Sang-soon (sslee@ytn.co.kr)
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