[과학기술] China announces research results that can improve stroke treatment effect

[신화/내외뉴스통신] Reporter Lee Song-ok

Removal of the clot within 12 hours of a stroke can significantly improve a patient’s health and reduce mortality, a new study from China has found. The results of this study, announced by the research team at the First Hospital affiliated with the Chinese University of Science and Technology, were recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

The research team conducted a randomized controlled trial (RCT) of 340 patients with an average age of 66.5 years at 36 clinical centers in China. Of these, 226 patients, or two-thirds, underwent medical treatment and endovascular thrombectomy (surgical removal of a thrombus from an artery or vein) within a median of 5 hours following the onset of ischemic stroke due to acute basilar artery occlusion. The remaining one-third received only medical treatment as a control group.

As a result, on the 90th day, the mortality rate of the group that underwent thrombectomy was 37% and that of the control group was 55%. The study is said to have provided convincing evidence for clinical decisions regarding stroke treatment.

Domestic and foreign news communication, NBNNEWS

Article URL: http://www.nbnnews.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=710198



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