[경제]If you subscribe, a foreign car is a prize… A sign of a downturn in the real estate market?

Select one subcontractor and present it as a foreign car gift
Luxury bags and golden key giveaways are also available.
Construction industry “sweepstakes marketing, signs of market downturn”
“Demand is driven only by good conditions… Similar cases will increase”

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As the popularity of the subscription market has waned due to the recent drop in apartment prices, the national average competition rate is only half of last year.

Some construction companies offered foreign cars or luxury handbags as prizes in order to increase their subscription performance, and this phenomenon is said to be a phenomenon that usually occurs when the real estate market is depressed.

Correspondent Choi Ki-Sung reported.


This is the site where 450-unit officetels will be built in 2025.

I made a subscription earlier this month, and one of the contractors is chosen by lot and a foreign car worth tens of millions of won is presented as a gift.

We decided to give 200,000 won worth of department store gift certificates to 50 of the applicants.

[해당 오피스텔 분양 담당자 : 청약하신 분 중에 계약하신 분들을 대상으로 저희가 미니쿠퍼 5도어짜리 경품 (증정) 행사가 있거든요.]

An apartment complex that sold out in Chilgok, North Gyeongsang Province, gave away luxury handbags and clothes dryers as gifts.

[해당 아파트 분양 담당자 : 루이비통 네버풀GM 핸드백이 있고…. (추첨할 때) 좀 많이 왔었다고 하더라고요.]

An apartment complex in Yeosu, Jeollanam-do, which it applied for last month, offered a luxury bag of over 10 million won, a washing machine drum, and a golden key as prizes.

An increasing number of companies are offering financial benefits such as ‘deposit flat-rate’, which usually requires 10 to 20% of the sale price to be paid as a down payment of only regarding 10 million won, or interest-free interim payment.

The background of this phenomenon is that the competition rate for subscription is falling and the number of unsold houses is increasing.

From January to July, the average competition rate for apartment subscriptions nationwide, which was 20.7 to 1 last year, dropped to 11.7 to 1 this year.

Seoul decreased from 111.4 to 1 to 29.8 to 1, and Gyeonggi Province from 29.2 to 1 to 9.9 to 1.

On the other hand, the number of unsold housing units nationwide, which was regarding 17,000 in December last year, soared to 27,000 in June of this year.

The metropolitan and regional areas are also on the rise.

The construction industry diagnoses ‘gift marketing’ as a sign of a downturn in the real estate market.

[건설사 관계자 : 10여 년 전쯤에 금융 위기 이후에 부동산 시장이 침체기였던 상황이 있었는데 그럴 때 이런 ‘입주 마케팅’ 사례들이 활성화했던 거로 알고 있습니다.]

There is also an analysis that similar cases will increase as demand for subscriptions is concentrated only in places with good location or conditions.

[여경희 / 부동산R114 수석연구원 : 지역별 양극화가 심화하는 국면이라고 볼 수 있습니다. 공급 과잉, 미분양 우려 지역에서는 청약률을 높이기 위해 경품 이벤트나 유리한 계약 조건을 내건 분양 단지들이 나타나는 분위기입니다.]

Prizes are just bait.

Rather, it is time for a more accurate judgment.

From the point of view of consumers, experts advise that they should ‘cover the stones’ by taking full advantage of the available benefits and considering whether the value will rise following moving in.

This is Choi Ki-sung from YTN.

YTN Ki-Sung Choi ([email protected])

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