[경제]Hyundai Steel employees raise suspicion of embezzlement of 10 billion won… “Internal audit”

The company started an internal audit after allegations were raised that Hyundai Steel employees set up a ghost company and robbed a large amount of company money by falsely paying the order price.

Hyundai Steel announced today (6th) that it is checking the facts regarding the allegations of embezzlement by some employees.

Recently, in an anonymous online community of office workers, it has been suggested that Hyundai Steel general and technical employees systematically established a ghost company, inflated the unit price of some parts, and stole 10 billion won of company money by paying false orders.

A Hyundai Steel official said that the allegation is being investigated and that if it is true, legal action will be taken.

YTN Haeri Yoon (yunhr0925@ytn.co.kr)

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