[경제]Convenience store soju ‘direct shot’ on strike by cargo solidarity… Insufficient stock

The convenience store industry was unable to properly secure the amount of soju due to a strike by truckers belonging to the Cargo Solidarity of the Federation of Korean Trade Unions (KCTU).

Hite Jinro’s Icheon and Cheongju factories, which account for 70% of the total soju production, are experiencing disruptions in product transportation as some freight borrowers who are in charge of transportation of soju products have recently gone on strike.

Accordingly, convenience stores 7-Eleven and Ministop have restricted orders for Hite Jinro Soju Chamisul, Chamisul Original, and Jinro’s Bag from the 4th to one box each.

Emart 24 also restricted orders for up to 3 boxes of Hite Jinro Chamisul, Chamisul Original, and Jinroise Bags from the 4th, and CU will suspend orders for Chamisul products shipped from some distribution centers from the 7th. .

In the convenience store industry, each company will be able to handle store orders with the inventory in the distribution center until this weekend, but there is concern that a ‘soju crisis’ may come if the strike is prolonged.

YTN Lee Seung-yoon (risungyoon@ytn.co.kr)

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