Government to cut fuel tax by 37% from the 1st of this month
Fuel tax cuts are reflected in general gas stations in regarding two weeks
All four domestic oil refineries achieved record-high operating profits
Even if the government checks… Private business owners cannot force gas stations
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Although the government has been lowering the fuel tax for eight months since November last year, survey results showed that less than 1% of the gas stations that properly reflect the cut are paying more.
With the tax loss due to the fuel tax cut approaching 9 trillion won, it seems that we need to re-examine who the fuel tax cut is for from the beginning.
Correspondent Kwon Nam-gi.
It’s been two weeks since we lowered the fuel tax to the legal maximum.
The time has come for the reduced tax to be reflected in the price of gas at regular gas stations.
[이서혜 / 에너지·석유시장감시단 연구실장 (YTN 경제부 유튜브 ‘경다방’) : (원유를) 정제하는 데 걸리는 시간을 1주라고 보통 가정하고요. (사 와서, 막 정제하고 만들고.) 정유사에서 만들어서 주유소에다 유통하는데 보통 일주일이….]
However, the results were below expectations.
Even considering the sharp rise in international oil prices during the eight months following the fuel tax was lowered, it was found that gas stations sell gasoline at an average price of 155 won per liter and diesel by 130 won.
In fact, gas stations that faithfully reflected the fuel tax cut accounted for only 0.4-0.5% of the 10,000 gas stations nationwide.
In the meantime, four domestic refiners – SK Energy, S-Oil, GS Caltex, and Hyundai Oilbank – all recorded record-breaking performance.
The government announcement several times that the fuel tax cut will be reflected in the field has effectively become a public affair.
[방기선 / 기획재정부 1차관 : 자영 주유소에서도 최대한 조속히 인하된 물량이 공급될 수 있도록 비상운송계획을 통해 물량 공급에 차질이 없도록 준비하겠습니다.]
The tax revenue loss due to the fuel tax cut from November last year to the end of this year is close to KRW 9 trillion.
Only recently, the rise in international oil prices has been partially dampened, and prices for refiners and some gas stations have started to fall.
This is YTN Namgi Kwon.
YTN Namgi Kwon ([email protected])
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