【404 Library】Red Star News|Xingtai, Hebei Province Restricts the Purchase of Gas in Many Places

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title:Response from the local government to limit the purchase of gas in many places in Xingtai, Hebei, and the villagers’ difficulty in heating
author:Red Star News
Date published:2022.12.1
Subject classification:heating problem
CDS Collection:Hall of Truth
statement:The copyright of this work belongs to the original author. China Digital Times archives only original works to combat China’s online censorship.Detailed copyright statement

The cold wave is coming, and the lowest temperature in Xingtai, Hebei has dropped to below zero, and heating is urgently needed. However, there are restrictions on gas purchases in many places in Xingtai. Villagers in Longyao County, Xingtai City reported through the Sunshine Governance Platform and the media that China Gas Company (China Gas Company for short) has restricted gas purchases, and can only purchase a maximum of 100m³ of gas per month, which is far from meeting the heating needs of residents.

According to the reply of the Longyao County Development and Reform Bureau on the Sunshine Governance Platform on November 24, the contracts signed by China Gas and upstream enterprises are divided into heating season and non-heating season. When the villagers reported the situation (November 21), the heating season had not yet entered. According to the contract, the upstream enterprises only provided less than 50,000 m³ of natural gas to Longyao County every day before the heating season began. In order to ensure the normal cooking and living needs of the masses, measures were taken purchase restrictions. After communicating with Chimbusco Xingtai Head Office, the villagers’ purchase volume increased to 100m³ each time. The Longyao County government and relevant departments demanded that China Gas Company in Longyao County actively negotiate gas sources with upstream companies, increase gas purchases, and immediately lift the purchase restriction measures, otherwise it will be held accountable according to law.

On December 1, the staff of the Longyao County Development and Reform Bureau told the Red Star News reporter,The current purchase restriction policy has been changed to a purchase limit of 150m³ each time, and you can recharge and purchase following use up, without waiting for a month. Relevant departments are still actively negotiating with China Gas, striving to completely cancel the purchase restriction policy as soon as possible.A government official in Dongliang Town, Longyao County told reporters that the local purchase restriction policy is expected to be completely abolished in January next year.


It’s cold without the heating and the three layers of quilt

Worried regarding running out of gas and unable to cook

Mr. Yi (pseudonym), a villager in Dongliang Town, Longyao County, Xingtai City, told Red Star News that the local gas supply company is China Gas Company. In addition to going to the gas company to recharge, they mainly buy gas through the Yipinhui mini program, the online payment platform of China Gas. About two months ago, he found that no matter online or offline, he might only purchase a maximum of 20m³ of gas per month. The local area usually enters the heating season around November 10 every year. After the purchase of gas is restricted, people’s heating has become a big problem.

Mr. Yi remembers that regarding 10 days ago, the gas purchase limit was increased from 20m³ to 100m³ per month, but heating was still far from enough. If it is only used for cooking, it only needs two or three hundred square meters of gas a year. But for heating in winter, the stove in Mr. Yi’s house burns more than ten square meters of gas a day. Calculated in this way, at least 300m³ of gas is needed a month. Now, there are more than 60 cubic meters of gas left in his account, but he cannot buy more gas. The screen recording provided by Mr. Yi shows that following logging into the Yipinhui mini program, he tried to buy 100m³ of gas with a unit price of 2.9 yuan/m³, but he was unable to purchase it. The system pops up a prompt that he can only buy another 0.5m³ of gas.

↑After purchasing 100m³ of gas, Mr. Yi can no longer purchase gas in the current month

From November 28 onwards, the local minimum temperature drops below zero. Mr. Yi said that his house has no insulation layer, does not turn on the heating, and the temperature in the house is also below zero. At night, it is cold even under three layers of quilts. The child was doing homework in the house, wearing a down jacket over a big padded jacket, and his hands were still red from the cold. Mr. Yi put a small sun at his feet, and he didn’t dare to burn the gas, for he was worried that he would not be able to cook when the gas ran out.

In the past, Mr. Yi’s village mainly burned coal for heating. About three or four years ago, Mr. Yi’s house stopped using a coal stove and replaced it with heating. Every winter, he pays 3,000 yuan at a time to buy more than 1,000 cubic meters of gas to meet his heating needs throughout the winter. Unexpectedly, this year he might only purchase a maximum of 100m³ of gas per month without receiving any notice. There was not enough gas, so we had to burn wood, which produced a lot of smoke and polluted the air.

Village cadres in Mr. Yi’s village told the Red Star News reporter that at present, each household in the village can only purchase 100m³ of gas per month. If it is inconvenient to travel, the village can send people to help buy it from China Gas Company, but even if you buy it offline, you can only buy 100m³ of gas. Now the village can’t do anything regarding it.


The purchase limit policy has been changed to 150m³ each time

You can recharge and buy when you run out, no need to wait for a month

The Red Star News reporter saw that on November 21, some villagers reported through the Sunshine Governance Platform that China Gas Company in Longyao County, Xingtai City, Hebei Province restricted the purchase of natural gas, and might only purchase 20m³ of gas a month, making rural heating a problem. The screenshot of the gas purchase uploaded by the villager shows that he wants to purchase 1000m³ of gas, but the system prompts that “the maximum gas purchase volume is 20.5m³”.

On November 24, the Longyao County Development and Reform Bureau replied that following verification, the problems reported by the villagers were true. The county supervisory leaders cooperated with the Development and Reform Bureau, Housing Construction Bureau, Market Supervision Bureau and other departments to interview the person in charge of China Gas Company, demanding that the purchase restriction measures must be lifted immediately. Since natural gas is signed according to the heating season and the non-heating season, and the heating season has not entered at that time, it is implemented according to the non-heating season gas volume contract. For normal cooking and living needs, purchase restriction measures have been adopted.

The Longyao County government and relevant departments demanded that China Gas Company in Longyao County actively negotiate gas sources with upstream companies, increase gas purchases, and immediately lift the purchase restriction measures, otherwise it will be held accountable according to law. After communicating with the Xingtai City Head Office, it was determined that the purchase volume of the villagers increased from the original 20m³ to 100m³ each time, and the village committee cadres might help.


↑ On the Sunshine Governance Platform, the Longyao County Development and Reform Bureau responded to questions from netizens

On November 30, the staff of the Longyao County Development and Reform Bureau told the Red Star News reporter that the relevant departments are still actively communicating and negotiating with China Gas, and the reason for the purchase restriction is not yet clear.

On December 1, the staff of the Development and Reform Bureau of Longyao County, the government staff of Dongliang Town, Longyao County, and the local village cadres all told the Red Star News reporter that following many negotiations between relevant departments and China Gas Company, China Gas Company’s The purchase limit policy has been changed to 150m³ for each purchase, and you can recharge and purchase when you run out, without waiting for a month. Dongliang town government staff told reporters that the local government expects to completely cancel the purchase restriction policy in January next year. Mr. Yi also said that following he found out that the purchase restriction policy had been adjusted, he had recharged 1,000 yuan on Yipinhuipintai. He believes that this month’s gas is basically enough.

The Red Star News reporter called China Gas Company many times, but had not received a reply as of press time. In addition, a netizen left a message to reflect that China Gas Co., Ltd. in Sansi Township, Nanhe District, Xingtai, Hebei has a monthly purchase limit of 20m³ in winter, making heating difficult. The Development and Reform Bureau of Nanhe District, Xingtai City, Hebei Province responded through the “Sunshine Governance” platform and stated that it has connected with relevant gas companies and requested that the purchase restriction be lifted immediately, and the purchase restriction has been lifted.

According to the official website of China Gas, China Gas is one of the largest cross-regional comprehensive energy supply and service companies in China. As of March 31, 2022, China Gas Group has acquired a total of 660 pipeline gas projects with franchise rights in 30 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, and has 32 long-distance natural gas pipelines and 533 compressed/liquefied natural gas vehicle and ship refueling stations , a coalbed methane development project and 106 liquefied petroleum gas distribution projects.



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