★Astronomical events in November★ Total lunar eclipse across Japan Meteor showers and approach of the moon and planets – Weather News

2022/11/02 16:45 Weather News

In November, a total lunar eclipse will occur all over Japan. Also note that there is a very rare Uranus eclipse during a lunar eclipse.

The approach of bright planets and the moon, the Taurus meteor shower, and the Leonid meteor shower will also appear. On sunny nights, keep warm and enjoy the celestial impressions.

Moon approaches Saturn and Jupiter


November 1st to 6th around 20:00 South Sky (Tokyo)

Moon approaches Saturn and Jupiter again


November 28th to December 2nd around 18:00 South Sky (Tokyo)

“Total lunar eclipse” across Japan


Movement and time of the lunar eclipse on November 8 (Tokyo)

“Uranus eclipse” during a lunar eclipse


November 8 Uranus eclipse forecast (Tokyo)

The full moon in November, “Berver Moon” in English


How to call the full moon in the agricultural calendar

Moon and Mars are very close


November 11, around 22:00 East Sky (Tokyo)

Northern Tauri meteor shower peaks


Around 22:00 on the 12th East Sky (Tokyo)

The total number of meteor showers is a small one, with a maximum of 5 to 10 meteor showers per hour.

Leonid meteor shower peak



Reference materials, etc.
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan “Hoshizora Information” https://www.nao.ac.jp/astro/sky/
National Astronomical Observatory “暦 Computing Room” https://eco.mtk.nao.ac.jp/koyomi/

Astroarts “Starry Sky Guide” https://www.astroarts.co.jp/

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