▷ President (e) Bar Association – Lara: We aspire to give greater dignity to legal professionals #17Marz

On March 15, a new provisional board of directors was installed in the CLara Sectional Bar Associationreason for which the new members of the same headed by the president in charge, doctor Nancy Rodriguezthey explained to the community in Press conference what are its premises, among which they highlighted providing legal professionals with greater dignity in the exercise of that profession and advancing everything concerning a new internal electoral process to choose the final authorities.

The president in charge pointed out that the new board was chosen during a massive assembly held at the headquarters of the Barquisimeto Bar Association, following a public call “that complied with all the requirements of the law,” he stressed.

Once the formal aspect had been fulfilled, he continued, a first assembly was installed on March 6, which did not have a quorum, and then a second assembly was installed on March 15, which did meet the requirements, and there both the new board of directors in vacant positions, substitutes and the electoral commission.

“The unfortunate death of the president of the Lara Sectional Bar Associationdoctor Joseph Louis Machadothere was no vice presidency and the school treasurer had resigned and that caused an institutional crisis because there was no quorum in the school board, “said Dr. Rodríguez.

Among the steps to be followed by the current interim board of directors is the immediate call for elections under the tutelage of the National Electoral Council to global, universal and transparent elections. In this sense, he said that a date for that event has not yet been handled.

“This Board of Directors that she was appointed and sworn in on March 15, is transitory precisely because she is responding to the crisis that arose with the charges that I have already pointed out.” Dr. Rodriguez said.

He said that once it takes office, the new board of directors will make an inventory of the assets of the Lara Sectional Bar Associationboth from the point of view of real estate and furniture and personnel, among others.

“We aspire to give greater dignity to professional practice, since it is known that some lawyers do not receive the treatment that corresponds to them in public bodies,” added the president of the Bar Association.

In this regard, he reported that the new board of directors will carry out institutional visits, including the Rectory of the Judiciarywith the president of Judicial Circuit, the universities, the Legislative Council, the Government of the Lara state and the mayors.

The intention is to inform the installation of the new board of directors and establish mechanisms in such a way that the exercise of the legal profession is dignified, “not for the particular interests of the members, but for the service provided by lawyers in the community, which is very important and has been quite deteriorated, ”said Dr. Rodríguez.

Dr. Nancy Rodríguez was accompanied during her statements by the doctors Arturo Acosta, president of the Disciplinary Court; María Auxiliadora Rivero, treasurer and Pablo Espinal, vice president. The members of the Electoral Commission, doctors Henri Urbina, Carlos Suárez, Luis Eduardo Pérez and Rudy Beavuis were also present..



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