▷ OBU: More than 50% of medical students walk to hospitals and clinics #20Apr

The Observatory of Universities (OBU) published its second report on the study and work conditions of health sciences professors and students at Venezuelan universities (Enobu Salud 2022). The survey was applied to 1,108 undergraduate and graduate students and 205 outstanding professors in health centers in which professional medical practices are carried out. The study covers 110 municipalities of the 23 states and the Capital District.

The measurement yields revealing data such as 4 out of 10 university students can provide medical assistance thanks to the supplies that patients provide. The national government only contributes 19% of what is required for this purpose and the governorates 12%. International aid covers 14%.

The information for Enobu Salud 2022 was collected in the Central universities of Venezuela (UCV), Los Andes (ULA), Zulia (LUZ), Carabobo (UC), Oriente (UDO), Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado (UCLA), Rómulo Gallegos (UNERG), Francisco de Miranda ( UNEFM) and Hugo Chávez Health Sciences (UCS).

Among the data published by the survey, it is reflected that more than 5️0% of undergraduate and graduate students usually walk to hospitals and outpatient clinics. The other means used frequently is public transport (6️8%) but the monthly expense for a resident could represent 40% of their monthly salary.

The director of the Observatory of Universities, Carlos Melendezexplained that the serious crisis has left its aftermath in health centers. “79% of university students stated that in the last 12 months at least one co-worker or study partner has resigned. This must be associated with the precarious salary conditions of professors, who in 85% must look for other work activities that recharge them and, on the other hand, the hostile environment in their work spaces: 66% of postgraduate residents have evidenced episodes of workplace bullyingsaid the sociologist Meléndez.

For her part, the coordinator of the OBU, Yelena Salazarrecalled that in another survey carried out by the Observatory dedicated to the general conditions of the country’s universities, the consequences of the complex humanitarian emergency in higher education institutions were already expressed.

“We made a measurement in 2021 that gave us the result that 62% of students planned to leave their university and 68% of professors wanted to resign. At Enobu Salud 2022 we see how the clinical skills of observation, interpretation of findings and the proper use of medical language compete with the time dedicated to academic training. Teachers and students are forced to look for other ways to make a living,” said the sociologist Salazar.

With information from Ladeshu

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