they made my week

2024-09-12 09:56:03

01 The first set isKian Frankfurt She’s everything you want in a bohemian look with volume. Insert link to this website here Not yet, but should be soon
02 Multiple tasks: And ballet shoesand knitted things
03 clock reminder sweatshirt at the door
04 Inside the box I found on the shelf was an iconic Terrence Woodgate lighting fixture (Hebrew: menorah) Now in the studio I leave it to others who enjoy budget flexibility
05 Operating Instructions
06 The winter-perfect colors in the new Ononoko collection will be launched alongside many other designers Attend the about us show in Tel Aviv this weekend

What happens when you revisit your favorite movies from the nineties is that it becomes almost impossible to tolerate the toxicity that is probably a basic ingredient in our daily lives. If you can get over it, Reality Bites is still a lovely movie, and it has this monologue:

None of this makes sense. It’s all just…a senseless tragedy and a series of random draws that narrowly escaped. So I’m delighted with the details. You know…a quarter pounder with cheese, these are so good, the sky ten minutes before it rains, the moment your laughter turns to giggles…and me, I sit back and smoke mine The camel smokes straight and rides my car.

Weekend plans: Listen to Aya Korem’s new album on loop.

Darkness does not count us
And he is very stubborn and unyielding
we can’t see the road
But keep it in mind




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