2023-07-31 00:39:13
Certificate of primary studies which might be presented and obtained from the age of 11
The certificate of primary studies (CEP) was a diploma attesting to the end of primary education (Teaching (from the Latin “insignis”, remarkable, marked with a sign, distinguished) is a…) elementary primary in France (between 11 and 13 years of age until 1936) and thus attesting to the acquisition (In general, acquisition is the action which consists in obtaining information or acquiring a…) of basic knowledge (writing, reading , calculation, history-geography (In French secondary education, the discipline devoted to science…), applied sciences).
It was officially abolished in 1989.
The official title of the CEP was āCertificate of Elementary Primary Studiesā (CEPE), commonly called ācertificate of studiesā or even, colloquially, ācertifā.
It was on August 20, 1866 that under the impetus of Victor Duruy, a circular set up a certificate of primary studies.
In 1882, it was instituted by the Jules Ferry Law (Jules Ferry, born on April 5, 1832 in Saint-DiĆ© (Vosges) and died on…) of March 28, 1882, which makes the instruction (An instruction is a form of communicated information which is both a command and a …) compulsory primary from 6 to 13 years old. Article 6 specifies:
āA certificate of primary studies is instituted; it is awarded following a public examination which children from the age of eleven can take. Those who, from this age, will have obtained the certificate of primary studies, will be exempted from the time of compulsory schooling which they still had to spend (The genus Passer was created by the French zoologist Mathurin Jacques…). Ā»
This is how for a long time, for the majority of laureates, it marks the end of compulsory education (Compulsory education is the obligation imposed on parents to have their children educated…) and the entry into life (Life is the given name:) active. The certificate of primary studies sanctioned a longer primary schooling than that of today (2006). It crowned a seven-year course: following the two years of middle school, there were another two years of the end of primary studies class, followed by pupils who had not entered secondary education (L’enseignement secondary covers school levels between the end of…).
In 1936, the Jean Zay law (Jean Zay is a French politician, born in OrlĆ©ans (Loiret) on August 6…) extends compulsory education up to 14 years of age. In 1946, the certificate of primary studies was only addressed (Addresses form an important concept in communication, they allow an entity to…) to pupils who had not entered middle school (A middle school can designate a group of people sharing the same…).
The 1959 reform of the Minister of National Education, Jean Berthoin, extended compulsory education until the age of 16. Classes at the end of primary studies are gradually disappearing, with the extension of compulsory schooling, then the establishment of the single college in 1975.
In 1972, the certificate of primary studies was only intended for adults and in 1988, there were less than a hundred candidates. This very significant decrease is due to the fact that the certificate of studies was the first level of diploma (The diploma (ancient Greek: Ī“ĪÆĻĪ»ĻĀµĪ±, diploma…) required to be able to be established in the public service. But from 1983, people who are no longer subject to compulsory education (aged 16 and over), without a diploma and without a recognized professional qualification, can present the General Training Certificate (The General Training Certificate (CFG) is a diploma French which certifies…) (CFG), its obtaining gives the equivalence of the CEP.
And on August 28, 1989, by decree nĀ° 89-607, the certificate of primary studies was abolished, ending an existence of more than a hundred years.
The studies certificate exams
In 1867, the examination consisted of three written tests (spelling, style, calculation) and five oral tests (reading, sacred history, grammar, calculation on the blackboard (Table can have several meanings depending on the context used:), metric system). The writing is evaluated on the text of the dictation (The dictation is the operation by which a person reads or at least enunciates to…). The exam is obtained if the candidate obtains the mean (The mean is a statistical measure characterizing the elements of a set of…) to the set (In set theory, a set intuitively designates a collection…) proofs and if he has not made more than ten mistakes in dictation.
In 1897, the exam included three written tests (dictation, calculation, essay on morality, history-geography or science), a sewing test for girls, a drawing or agriculture test for boys. , oral tests (reading-recitation, history-geography). The exam is obtained if the candidate obtains the average in the written tests and the average in all the tests. The zero (The number zero (from the Italian zero, derived from the Arabic sifr,…) is eliminatory. The writing is evaluated on the text of the dictation.
Around the 1950s, the exam took place in one day and included
A writing test (50 min) on 10 points with two topics to choose from A spelling test (50 min) on 20 points including a dictation of approximately 100 to 150 words on 10 points three questions one general comprehension question one question explanation of an expression a grammar question A calculation test (50 min) comprising two exercises or problems of 8 and 12 points A science test (20 min) out of 10 points A history and geography test (Geography (from ancient Greek Ī³ĪµĻĪ³ĻĪ±ĻĪÆĪ±…) (20 min) out of 10 points A mental calculation test (Mental calculation consists of carrying out calculations without any support other than reflection and…) (five questions) out of 5 points A test of reading on 5 points A singing or recitation test on 5 points A drawing, manual work or sewing test (50 min) on 10 points Writing is assessed on 5 points
To be accepted, it is necessary to have had zero neither in spelling, nor in calculation, to have obtained the average in all writing-spelling-calculation-sciences, to have obtained the average in all the tests.
#Primary #School #Certificate #Definition #Explanations