???? Blue Amber – Definition and Explanations

2023-07-12 23:42:05


Dominican amber, natural blue color, 25-40 million years old


Blue amber is a retinite (resin) containing sulfur, composed of carbon (Carbon is a chemical element of the family of crystallogens, symbol C, …), oxygen (Oxygen is a chemical element from the chalcogen family, from…) and hydrogen (Hydrogen is a chemical element with symbol H and atomic number 1.) from conifers, i.e. a fossil resin (A fossil (derived from the noun of the Latin verb fodere: fossil, literally…) vegetable.

This variety of amber is rare in color (The color is the eye’s subjective perception of one or more wave frequencies…), probably due to the presence of aromatic substances: on a surface ( A surface generally designates the superficial layer of an object. The term a…) white and in the light (Light is all the electromagnetic waves visible by the eye…) artificial, blue amber ( Blue amber is a retinite (resin) containing sulfur, composed of carbon,…) is yellow (There are (at least) five definitions of yellow which designate approximately the same…) transparent, slightly bluish , but on an opaque or black surface, and in the light of the sun (The Sun (Sol in Latin, Helios or Ήλιος in Greek) is the star…), it takes on a deep blue tint as well as its fluorescence (The fluorescence is a light emission caused by the excitation of a molecule…) in the face of ultraviolet rays:. “Because of these polynuclear molecules (aromatic petroleum-like molecules (Petroleum is a liquid carbonaceous rock, or mineral oil. The exploitation of…) = perylene) this resin appears blue on refraction (Refraction, in physics waves — particularly in optics, acoustics and seismology, etc. light (reflected light). Some ambers are blue whatever the orientation (In the literal sense, the orientation designates or materializes the direction of the Orient (sunrise…) of the piece of amber with respect to the light source; others, move a lot. There are several qualities of blue (Blue (from the old high German “blao” = brilliant) is one of the three colors…).

It is found in the form of nodules (large nuggets of blue amber) exclusively in the Dominican Republic in the mines north of the city (A city is an urban unit (a “human settlement” for…) of Santiago de los Caballeros (La Cordillera Septentrional, in the north, Bayaguana and Sabana, in the east, and Cotui in the center -): Palo Alto region (25 million years old amber) and La Toca region, Palo Quemado (from 33 to 40 La Cumbre (35 million years) The most remarkable blue amber is that of the Los Cacaos mine, containing glauconite dating from the Miocene: there are also small gastropods (Los Cacaos) and microfossils (Microfossils are small fossils, the study of which requires resources…) in abundance (La Toca).

Dominican amber comes from a legume Hymenaea protera (en) , angiosperms) or Algarroba (en) descending from a species (In the life sciences, the species (from the Latin species, “type”) of tropical leafy tree close to the carob tree (The carob tree is a dioecious tree of the fabaceae family, native to regions…) now extinct. It is thought that the Comatillo basin was overlooked by large forests of algarobas. It contains inclusions of plants but no insects (Insectes is a French-language journal of ecology and entomology intended for a wide audience…) such as yellow amber. The dating of blue amber is controversial, we generally agree for 20 and 30 million years, but the dating range fluctuates between 10 and 100 million years.


Palo Quemado Los Cacao Los Higos La Bucara (blue amber) El Arroyo (sometimes blue amber) The Peak Pescado Bobo (Yellow with sometimes blue fluorescence which it loses following polishing)
#Blue #Amber #Definition #Explanations



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