???? Why do babies cry right after birth?

2023-09-09 04:00:02

When babies are born, they all seem to cry, but not all of them do so right away. What is going on ?

At the time of birth, babies leave their mother’s body, a warm, water-filled environment, and find themselves in a much drier and brighter world. It’s a big change, because when they come out of the belly, their skin, still damp, will feel colder air. The cooler air makes them pant. They also gasp when the midwife (The World Health Organization (WHO) defines midwife as:) or the doctor (A doctor is a health professional with a doctor of… ) touches their body to help them come into the world.

Image d’illustration Unsplash

This breath is the baby’s first breath, which is generally accompanied by a cry. When this happens, breathing or crying triggers an astonishing change in the way the baby takes in oxygen and circulates it through his body. .

Many changes

In the womb, babies rely on their mothers for oxygen via the placenta and the umbilical cord. is the organ that joins the placenta to the…). The placenta filters the mother’s oxygen-rich blood. The umbilical cord then pumps this blood to the unborn baby.
The placenta, left, and the umbilical cord work together to send oxygen from the mother’s blood to the unborn baby. Shutterstock

Right after birth, their first breath or cry triggers a series of changes in the way their heart circulates blood throughout their body. So, instead of breathing liquid in the uterus, they can now breathe air and bring oxygen into their lungs. , as we do.

This process also moves water out of the baby’s lungs, allowing them to function properly.

A newborn’s crying is a sound that parents and medical staff are very happy to hear. Indeed, this generally means that the baby is doing well and will not need help. extra to breathe. But not all newborns cry. And there’s not always cause for concern.

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Some babies don’t cry at birth

During certain births, it may happen that the transition from breathing mode does not go smoothly. It could be heart problems or a difficult birth. For example, the baby may have lacked oxygen in the womb and need help to start breathing at birth.

Babies’ crying is sometimes delayed. Babies born by cesarean section may take longer to breathe and cry. This is because fluid is not expelled from the lungs as it is during a vaginal birth.

It may also happen that newborns do not cry at all. Babies born in water may be surrounded by a lot of warm water and not realize they are born. In fact, they do not feel the cold air when they come into the world; they are often in their mother’s arms in the water. So they tend to breathe quietly and turn pink (which shows they are getting enough oxygen), without crying.

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