???? “Quantum superchemistry” observed for the first time

2023-08-15 06:00:02

For years, scientists have theorized the existence of a phenomenon called “quantum superchemistry”. This concept, hitherto relegated to mathematical abstractions, manifested itself concretely in a laboratory. Image illustration Pixabay

Quantum superchemistry occurs when atoms or molecules in the same quantum state chemically react faster than those in different quantum states. A quantum state is a ensemble of characteristics of a quantum particle, such as its spin or its level ofenergy.

Cheng Chin, professor of physics at theUniversity of Chicago, and his team have achieved the feat of bringing not only atoms, but also whole molecules, into the same quantum state. They discovered that chemical reactions occur collectively. The more atoms there were, the faster the reactions.

“What we observed matches the theoretical predictions,” Cheng Chin said. “It’s been a scientific goal for 20 years, so we’re in for a very exciting time.”

Their method? Cool a cesium gas close to absolute zero, a temperature where all movement ceases. In this state, they synchronized each atom cesium in the same quantum state. They then changed the magnetic field surrounding to trigger the chemical bond atoms. These atoms reacted faster to form two-atom cesium molecules than in experiments with non-supercooled gas.

These advances might benefit quantum chemistry andquantum computing. This is because molecules in the same quantum state share physical and chemical properties. Ultracold particles might be used as qubits in thecomputer science quantum.

The next step, according to Cheng Chin, is to attempt to create quantum superchemistry with more complex molecules.

#Quantum #superchemistry #observed #time



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