???? Invention of a paint capable of blocking heat: proven effectiveness!

2023-08-18 06:00:13

Researchers have just invented a new type of paint, which prevents heat from entering or escaping. This paint, available in a range of different colors, might contribute to reducing our daily energy consumption (In common sense, energy designates everything that allows us to carry out work, produce food, etc.).

While heating and air conditioning (Air conditioning is the technique of modifying, controlling and regulating the…) represent a large part of our energy consumption (13% of global consumption and 11% of gas emissions (Un gas is a set of very weakly bonded atoms or molecules and…) with a greenhouse effect (The greenhouse effect is a natural process which, for a given absorption of energy…) results from heating and cooling of premises), a team of Stanford scientists has created a new type of paint capable of very strongly limiting the passage of heat (In everyday language, the words heat and temperature often have an equivalent meaning:…) .

Image d’illustration Pixabay

Multiple solutions have been previously developed in the past, some reflecting light (Light is all the electromagnetic waves visible to the eye…) from the sun (The Sun (Sol in Latin, Helios or Ήλιος in Greek) is the star…), others using radiative cooling. In the present case, the researchers developed a solution composed of two layers: a first containing flakes of aluminum (Aluminium is a chemical element, with symbol Al and atomic number 13….) which reflect close to 80% of infrared rays and thus preventing heat from passing (The genus Passer was created by the French zoologist Mathurin Jacques…); the second (Second is the feminine of the adjective second, which comes immediately following the first or who…) transparent layer composed of various nanoparticles. The idea being to apply this paint on the outside to prevent heat from entering in the summer, and on the interior walls to retain the heat during the winter (Winter is one of the four seasons of the temperate zones.).

The tests carried out on all the colors offered, demonstrate 10 times greater efficiency in reflecting infrared light (Infrared radiation (IR) is electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength…) compared to traditional paints . The experiments thus carried out in the laboratory in artificial environments confirm a reduction in the energy required for heating of approximately 36%, and for cooling of more than 20%. Simulations were also carried out in order to quantify the expected savings on the scale of a medium-sized apartment building (The average is a statistical measure characterizing the elements of a set of …), in the event of use of this paint on exterior walls and roofs: it would appear to be around 7.4% over one year on the average cost of heating, ventilation and air conditioning.

Durability tests are also conclusive, as this paint remained water repellent without loss of performance, even following a week’s exposure to high (80°C) or low (-196°C), or acidic environments. or not. The use of such a paint might eventually be envisaged both on premises and on vehicles, in particular those used for refrigerated transport.

#Invention #paint #capable #blocking #heat #proven #effectiveness



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