???? Genetically modified cows to release less methane

2023-08-22 04:00:07

Cattle farming would represent more than 14% of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. This is mainly due to the quantity of methane produced (a gas with a heating power 25 times greater than CO2), which emanates from digestion (Digestion is the process during which a living organism receives medium…) and droppings of animals, but also their eructations and flatulence. To fight once morest this major problem in the agricultural field, scientists have succeeded in modifying bull sperm (The bull is a ruminant domestic mammal, generally carrying horns on …) in order to fertilize cows giving birth to calves less pollutants.
Image d’illustration Pixabay

The idea is to inseminate cows with modified bull semen. According to the first elements, this seed might reduce methane emissions by 1.5% per year on dairy production in Canada alone. A reduction that might reach 20 to 30% by 2050.

The scientific study was spread over a period of 7 years, it analyzed the emissions of cows from 6,000 farms, in order to be able to quantify the emission of methane per animal (An animal (from the Latin animus, spirit, or principle vital) is, according to the classic classification, a…), the latter being able to vary from 250 to 750g per day (The day or the day is the interval which separates sunrise from sunset; it is the.. .) depending on the genes of the cow (The cow is the female of a ruminant domestic mammal, generally a carrier of…). After studying the genetic particularities of a dozen cows emitting the least methane, the researchers succeeded in isolating the character that interested them all (The whole understood as the whole of what exists is often interpreted as the world or… ) ensuring that these cows produced quality milk.

A semen modified in this way is currently produced by the company Semex, whose work is carried out in collaboration with the milk recording agency Lactanet. Its marketing has already been launched in 80 countries (Pays comes from the Latin pagus which designated a territorial and tribal subdivision of extent…). It remains to wait a few years to measure the impact on a planetary scale (A planetary designates a mobile mechanical unit, representing the solar system…).

#Genetically #modified #cows #release #methane



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