???? Discovery of a 41 million year old miniature whale fossil in Egypt

2023-08-22 06:00:15

Archaeologists have just discovered the bones of a whale that lived 41 million years ago in Egypt. Baptized “Tutcetus Rayanensis”, this cetacean is one of the oldest of its species in Africa. Very different from the whales we know today, it was 2.5 meters long and weighed 187 kg, which makes it the smallest whale (The whale is a large marine mammal classified in the order of …) basilosauridae discovered to date (The day or the day is the interval which separates sunrise from sunset; it is the…).

The American University in Cairo recently announced this discovery. Hicham Salam, member of the research team (Scientific research designates in the first place all the actions undertaken with a view to…), specifies that he found in particular a vertebra (The vertebrae are the bones constituting the spinal column in animals …), the jaws but also the skull (The skull is a bony or cartilaginous structure of the head, characteristic of…) of this animal (An animal (from the Latin animus, spirit, or vital principle) is, according to classical classification, un…), near the Nile, in the middle of the desert (The word desert today designates a sterile zone or one not very favorable to…) Egyptian which was once covered with a sea (The term of sea ​​covers several realities.). According to Unesco, this region contains invaluable fossil remains.

In August 2021, in the Fayoum region, archaeologists had also discovered the fossil of a species (In the life sciences, the species (from the Latin species, “type”) of amphibian whale dating 43 million years old. The “Fioumicetus anubis” had been presented as the most ferocious and oldest whale in Africa (with an area of ​​30,221,532 km2 including the islands, etc.). of primitive whales, might both swim underwater and crawl on land (Earth is the third planet in the Solar System in order of distance…) Basilosauridae is the first family of cetaceans to have a life (Life is the given name 🙂 exclusively aquatic The recently discovered specimen is very small compared to what is known of the Basilosauridae: it is estimated that they were between 4 and 20 meters long!

The name of Tutcetus Rayanensis was given to him in honor of Tutankhamun, accompanied by the word “Cetus” which means “whale” in Greek, and finally in honor of the area of ​​Wadi El-Rayn (the place where he was discovered).
#Discovery #million #year #miniature #whale #fossil #Egypt



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