???? Current earthquakes in the USA are believed to be aftershocks of… 19th century earthquakes!

2023-11-22 07:00:03

A recent study published in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth reveals surprising connections between current earthquakes in the United States and historic earthquakes from the 19th century. Researchers show that up to 30% of seismic tremors in the New Madrid region (Madrid is the capital of Spain. The largest and most populated city in the country, it is…) ( Missouri) between 1980 and 2016, might be followingshocks of four powerful earthquakes (The Earth is the third planet in the Solar System in order of distance…) which took place in 1811 and 1812. Likewise, in Charleston (Caroline South), approximately 16% of modern earthquakes are believed to be followingshocks of the devastating earthquake of 1886.
Image d’illustration Pixabay

This surprising discovery demonstrates that historical seismic events might still influence contemporary seismicity. Yuxuan Chen, a geoscientist at Wuhan University and lead author of the study, points out that it might be a complex combination of followingshocks and activity. can designate a profession.) background seismic, requiring a statistical approach for understanding.

Susan Hough, a geophysicist at the US Geological Survey (USGS), cites the importance of this research in assessing future risks, emphasizing the need to understand seismic events that occurred centuries ago to anticipate current threats.

This study highlights the complexity of seismicity and the long-term impact of historical earthquakes on the current security of populations. The consequences of these discoveries might help to better understand the seismic risk and to strengthen prevention and preparation measures in the affected regions.

#Current #earthquakes #USA #believed #followingshocks #of.. #19th #century #earthquakes



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