📡 Astronomers observe a tremendous explosion, creating precious metals like gold and silver

2024-02-27 07:00:12

Scientists recently revealed a rare stellar spectacle: the merger of two neutron stars. This collision produced an exceptional explosion, revealing the origin of the precious metals. Inducing an explosion, called kilonova, it is the scene of the creation of heavy elements such as gold andargent (Silver or silver metal is a chemical element with the symbol Ag — du…). Thanks to the James Webb Space Telescopes (JWST) and Hubble (The Hubble Space Telescope (in English, Hubble Space Telescope or HST) is a telescope in…)astronomers were able to directly observe this process.

Illustration of two neutron stars colliding, creating a kilonova.
Credit: Robin Dienel/Carnegie Institution for Science

This event, observed in March 2023 and named GRB 230307A, was notable for its exceptional duration of 200 seconds, calling into question our understanding of gamma ray explosions, GRBs. These phenomena are the most powerful explosions in the Universe, generally classified into two categories: long and short. Before this discovery, long GRBs were thought to be the result of the collapse of massive stars, not the fusion (In physics and metallurgy, fusion is the transition of a body from the solid state to the state…) of neutron stars.

This stellar merger not only illuminated the ciel (The sky is Earth’s atmosphere as seen from the planet’s ground.) ; it also confirmed that such events are capable of creating elements heavier than the fer (Iron is a chemical element, with the symbol Fe and atomic number 26. It is the…). The merger emits materials (A material is a material of natural or artificial origin that man shapes to…) rich in neutrons, precursors of precious metals, in a process known as capture (A capture, in the field of astronautics, is a process by which a celestial object, which…) neutron fast, or process r (The R process (with R for fast) is a nucleosynthesis process which consists of the capture…).

The show doesn’t end there: the collision generated a gravitational wave, a thrill in the fabric of thespace-time (The notion of space-time was introduced in the early 1900s and taken up once more…). This discovery opens new avenues of research (Scientific research primarily refers to all actions undertaken with a view to…) on the formation of elements in the Universe and on the still unresolved mysteries of gamma ray explosions.

#Astronomers #observe #tremendous #explosion #creating #precious #metals #gold #silver



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