💻 Exceptional discovery of two copies of the first PC in history (Intel 8008)

2024-02-24 07:00:02

The recent discovery of two Q1 microcomputers, often considered the precursors to modern desktop computers, by a British clearance company, has sparked keen interest in the world of technology and history computer science (Computer science – contraction of information and automatic – is the field…). These devices, found under a pile of boxes during the cleaning of a property, bring the number of name (The notion of number in linguistics is covered in the article “Number…) of known surviving examples of this iconic model.

The Q1 microcomputer is often seen as the precursor to the modern desktop computer.
Crédit: Just Clear

These Q1s, manufactured by the American company Q1 Corporation in 1972, feature a distinctive orange and black design and are equipped with a plasma screen (A plasma screen is a flat screen whose light is created by phosphorus excited by…). They are distinguished by their use of a microprocessor (A microprocessor is a processor whose components have been sufficiently…) single-chip Intel 8008, making them the first fully integrated desktop computers monde (The word world can refer to:) powered by such a component. Before Q1, computers were equipped with multi-chip microprocessors, marking an important milestone in the development of computing.

The discovery was made by employees of Just Clear, a company specializing in house clearance. They initially had no idea of ​​the historical value of their find. It was following consultation with an expert that the meaning of these devices was revealed. These two models were last used by an oil drilling company in the 1970s, while the location of the third known model is speculated be somewhere in Scandinavia (Scandinavia is a region located in the North of Europe. It includes, in the sense…).

Crédit: Just Clear

Paul Neve, professor of computer science at Kingston University in the United Kingdom, emphasizes the crucial importance of Q1 in the history of computing: without this innovation, personal computers, Macs, as well as TVs phones Apple (Apple, Inc. (Apple Computer, Inc. until January 2007; apple means “apple”…) or Android as we know them today would not have existed. The pioneers of the 1970s and 1980s laid the foundations (The foundations of a structure ensure the transmission and distribution of loads (own weight, etc.) of the’computer (A computer is a machine equipped with a processing unit allowing it…) modern, which has become an omnipresent device in the vie (Life is the name given 🙂 daily.

The two Q1 microcomputers were temporarily displayed at an exhibition at Kingston University, alongside other key devices in the history of computing, such as the ZX Spectrum and the BBC Micro. Both Q1s might now be sold at auction, unless a museum or collector seeks to acquire them privately.

#Exceptional #discovery #copies #history #Intel



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