[정치]The ‘9/19 inter-Korean military agreement’ collapsing one by one… Is the ‘abandonment theory’ gaining strength?

North Korea fired nine artillery fires last month for ‘9/19 violation’
Military urges immediate halt… No proportional military response
Military responds by firing three missiles north of the NLL


The military, which has repeatedly warned North Korea whenever it provoked, fired a missile north of the NLL following North Korea fired a missile south of the NLL for the first time since division.

As the 9/19 inter-Korean military agreement that bans all hostile acts collapses one by one, the voices of breaking the agreement are expected to grow.

Reporter Jun-myung Shin.


North Korea fired nine rounds of artillery fire in the buffer zone in the East and West Seas last month.

Each time, our military urged us to immediately stop it, saying it was a violation of the 9/19 inter-Korean military agreement.

Still, it did not take a military response at a level proportional to North Korea’s provocations.

However, when North Korea launched an unprecedented provocation of launching a ballistic missile south of the Northern Limit Line in the East Sea, the South Korean military eventually responded by firing three precision air-to-ground missiles north of the NLL in the East Sea.

When it was pointed out that both the South and the North had in fact violated some of the September 19 military agreements to completely suspend all hostile acts, a military official said it was inappropriate to question whether an agreement was reached on corresponding countermeasures in terms of self-defence.

It is interpreted as a measure that reflects the current government’s stance that the 9/19 military agreement that we only protect is meaningless.

[이종섭 / 국방부 장관(지난달 4일) : 북한은 합의 사항을 준수하지 않는데 우리만 준수하는 건 바람직하지 않습니다. 북한의 도발 강도를 봐가면서 9·19 군사합의의 효용성에 대해서 검토하겠습니다.]

Following the GP shootings in the DMZ in 2020, the 9/19 military agreements in the East and West Seas collapsed one by one, raising the possibility that the intensity of North Korean provocations will increase.

In addition to ground provocations such as mine provocations in the DMZ in the past, the possibility of direct provocations such as local provocations in the West Sea area is also discussed.

[임을출 / 경남대 극동문제연구소 교수 : 맞대응을 하면 북한도 더 높은 수준의 군사적 행동을 또 보여줄 겁니다. 북한은 국지적 도발도 필요하면 감내하겠다. 지금 이런 의지로 나오는 거예요.]

As the 9/19 military agreement has become virtually unpopular, it is expected that the voices that have been raised in some areas to cancel the agreement will gradually gain strength.

My name is Junmyeong Shin from YTN.

YTN Junmyeong Shin (shinjm7529@ytn.co.kr)

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