[정치]Seo Yong-joo “I thought he was declaring his candidacy for Minister Han Dong-hoon… Usually, the proposer only explains the purpose”

■ Progress: Donggun Oh Anchor
■ Appearance: Kim Geun-sik, former head of the People’s Power Vision Strategy Office, Seo Yong-joo, full-time spokesperson of the Democratic Party of Korea

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[한동훈 / 법무부 장관 : 노웅래 의원이 청탁을 받고 돈을 받는 현장이 고스란히 녹음되어 있는 녹음 파일이 있습니다. ‘저번에 주셨는데 뭘 또 주냐, 저번에 그거 제가 잘 쓰고 있는데’라고 말하는 노웅래 의원의 목소리, 돈 봉투 부스럭거리는 소리까지도 그대로 녹음 되어 있습니다. 부정한 돈을 주고받는 현장이 이렇게까지 생생하게 녹음되어 있는 사건은 저도 본 적이 없습니다.]

[노웅래 / 더불어민주당 의원 : 국회 표결에 영향을 미치려고 구체적으로 증거가 차고 넘친다고 이렇게 이야기하는 것, 이게 정치 검찰 수 믿을 수 있는 겁니까. 돈 줬다는 사람도 돌려받았다고 하는 것인데 녹취가 있다고 새로운 내용으로 부풀려서 언론플레이를 해서 사실 조작을 하고 있는 것입니다. 양심껏 구설수 없이 의정활동 해왔습니다. 정말 억울합니다.]


We listened to both sides’ opinions together. As you said before, there was a sound of money envelopes rustling, vividly recorded. I have never seen an incident like this. I just revealed it in this way. How do you see it? Do you see it as overdone? Do you see that this is possible?


Since the Ministry of Justice submitted an arrest motion to the National Assembly, it was a place for the Minister of Justice to explain the purpose of the bill on behalf of the Ministry of Justice. So, even from my point of view, it seems to be true that there has been an unusual content that goes beyond the scope of the explanation of the purpose of the motion for arrest submitted to the National Assembly.

It has very specific content and expresses confidence in specific evidence. I have to think about how that affected the members of the National Assembly now. Even in my personal opinion, I wonder if it was necessary to go into such detail.

Because people decide. The fact that this is put to a vote on the motion for arrest is because the motion for motion for arrest was rejected, so then Congressman Noh Woong-rae will be cleared of his crimes and not arrested, and then an arrest warrant will be issued again. That’s not it. The investigation is ongoing, and there is a high possibility of prosecution, and there is a possibility that an arrest warrant will be requested again.

And the session will be over soon. In January, it is virtually impossible to hold a temporary meeting. Then, at any time, for Rep. Woong-rae Noh, if the prosecution has confidence in the evidence capabilities that the prosecution has and then the suspicion of corruption in personal bribery, then another arrest warrant is issued and the arrest warrant is subject to substantive examination.

So, in the eyes of the people, the vote in this part was exonerated for Congressman Noh Woong-rae. It’s not that I’m not sure that I won’t be arrested, but rather, from the point of view of the people, our country’s politics have really not changed. Even after committing a crime, I think there will be many negative perceptions, such as the fact that an arrest warrant cannot pass due to the privilege of non-arrest because of his status as a member of the National Assembly.

So, the oppression of the opposition party that the Democratic Party is talking about, and then the excessive political intentions of the prosecution, these things can be discussed and raised, but from the point of view of the people, this is not a struggle against dictatorship power, but what kind of crimes are covered as prisoners of conscience It is said that it is clearly about personal corruption charges, but I am worried about how the public will judge the entire Korean politics if the motion for arrest is rejected.

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Now, what Justice Minister Han Dong-hoon explains is correct. But it didn’t have to be that specific. There is clear evidence, I could have finished it in one sentence, but it came out in detail now. This part is what is being talked about now. If so, Minister Han Dong-hoon may have been sufficiently conscious.

that such a reaction would occur. In particular, among the opposition lawmakers, some voices of protest erupted, and even though it may have been expected that there would be opposing opinions, it proceeded. What do you think your intention is?


So, Minister Han Dong-hoon thought that if I expressed it a little excessively, I would declare a run, that’s the feeling. So, I want to evaluate it to the extent that it may have been an excessive expression to show that I am a politician. The reason for this is that usually the proposer under the National Assembly Act only explains the purpose. What is purpose? Why is an arrest warrant necessary?

However, if you look at this, it talks about the parts of this warrant in a very specific and stimulating way so that the people can misunderstand. So, when the National Assembly rejected it, the National Assembly rejected it despite such a provocative expression in the eyes of the people.

That’s another opposition lawmaker. Then, who will the people send criticism to? I will send it to the opposition MPs. It makes me think that there was no way I would have done this without such a goal.

What I regret is that Minister Han Dong-hoon… I need to know this. It is said that there is an arrest warrant and an arrest warrant now, but that is the content of the prosecution filing an indictment with the court to prove the crime. That’s the prosecution’s claim. I brought it with the power of argument and evidence, but it’s still not certain.

However, it is said as if it is certain, but Congressman Noh Woong-rae did not talk about anything else. Please guarantee the level of defense. So, I have something to say, but if Minister Han Dong-hoon just recites it all, how will the people see it? It can be misunderstood as if Congressman Noh Woong-rae really committed such a crime without any right of defense.

So I think this part made a mistake by revealing the political color of Minister Han Dong-hoon in the review of the agenda under the National Assembly Act. This is undoubtedly defamatory. There are concerns that it may be applicable even to leaking investigative secrets.

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