Parents of a private kindergarten in Buk-gu, Ulsan, raised questions regarding the kindergarten’s finances and operation and took a collective action.
At a press conference, parents urged the school district to strengthen management and supervision of the kindergarten.
This is a report by Shim Eun-hong, a reporter from JCN Ulsan Central Broadcasting.
A private kindergarten in Buk-gu, Ulsan.
There is a hole for mice under one of the classroom walls.
In order to improve the poor educational environment of the kindergarten where children are currently attending and to secure financial transparency, 10 people including parents, Buk-gu Council Chairman Kang Jin-hee, and Buk-gu residents formed a task force and held a press conference.
Parents urged the school district to manage and supervise the kindergarten and notify the kindergarten situation.
[학부모 : 아이들이 밥 먹고 생활하는 교실에는 쥐가 수시로 나옵니다. 한여름 무더위 속에 100여 명의 아이들이 습한 지하 강당에서 에어컨도 없이 마스크를 끼고 생활해야 했습니다.]
The problems raised by parents are not only in the educational environment, but also in accounting management.
According to the informant who reported to the parents, since 2016, more than 100 million won has been deposited and withdrawn from parents’ kindergarten education expenses through the teacher’s personal account, not the kindergarten official account.
The parents then urged the school district to clearly supervise the audit of the accounting sector, saying that this fact was not revealed in the comprehensive audit.
Another child was teased by friends and teachers for not eating eggs from kindergarten in August of last year, but was teased by friends and teachers. There were also incidents.
[학부모 : 교실 한구석에 앉아있는 아이에게 선생님은 헛구역질하며 다가오고 다른 아이들도 헛구역질하는 흉내를 내며 놀리는 장면이 CCTV에 고스란히 남아있었습니다.]
In response to this, the Office of Education conducted four on-site inspections of kindergarten facilities in response to parental complaints in July, and announced that it plans to increase transparency by providing clean environment and financial support for private kindergartens in the future.
The institution’s kindergartens also say they are aware of these issues and are working on improving them.
[유치원 관계자 : 교실에 난간이 없어서 난간 같은 것도 설치했고 강당도 지금 저희가 공사 중이라서 사진을 찍을 수는 없고…공사 중입니다.]
As an educational institution where children learn and grow, it seems that not only the supervision of the school district but also parents and teachers need to pay attention.
This is Shim Eun-hong from jcn news.
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