531 severe cases (+20), 64 deaths (-20)
“Next month, 830 to 920 people in severe cases and 100 to 140 deaths will peak.”
Reinforcement of targeted quarantine for high-infected classes and facilities
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The number of new COVID-19 cases reached 110,000.
It showed a decrease from the previous week for the first time on Sunday following the outbreak started last month, but it is noteworthy whether the spread will enter a full-fledged decline phase.
Reporter Choi Myung-shin reports
The number of new COVID-19 patients stood at 110,000, regarding 8,000 fewer than on the 14th, a week ago.
As of Sunday, the number of new patients decreased from the previous week for the first time since the outbreak began in early last month.
The quarantine authorities previously predicted that it would gradually decrease following peaking at around 200,000 a day on average during this month, but attention is being paid to whether it will enter a full-fledged decline phase.
Although the spread of the virus has eased, severe seriousness and death continue to occur.
The number of severe cases increased by 20 to 531, and the death toll was 64.
[손영래 / 중앙사고수습본부 사회전략반장 : 치명률 자체는 지금 올라가고 있지는 않지만, 전체 확진자 발생 규모와 연동돼있는 측면이 있기 때문에 확진자가 증가하는 동안 사망자도 함께 증가하고….]
Authorities explain that the effects of severe severe and death damage appear with a lag of 1 to 2 weeks from the number of confirmed cases, but it is pointed out that it is not leading to a calming trend given the recent trend of confirmed cases.
It is predicted that the peak in the number of severe cases will be around 830 to 920 per day at the beginning of next month, and the peak in death to be in the range of 100 to 140.
In the end, it seems that the success or failure of the government’s quarantine policy will be determined by how much damage is minimized.
To this end, the government is focusing on targeted prevention, focusing its capabilities on the classes and facilities where there are many infected people, such as tele-monitoring the elderly living alone who are receiving treatment at home.
[정기석 / 국가감염병 위기대응 자문위원장 : 반복적으로 말씀드리는 고위험군에 대한 집중적인 관리, 고위험 시설에 대한 보다 더 적극적인 지원과 관리, 제도 완비 이런 것들이 필요하다는 것입니다.]
While the government is working to build a medical and quarantine system that can respond to 300,000 new patients, experts have ordered thorough preparations as beds may be saturated if critically ill patients reach the peak forecast.
This is YTN Choi Myung-shin.
YTN Choi Myung-shin ([email protected])
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