Lowest confirmed in 9 weeks as of Sunday’s announcement
532 people in severe cases, 500 people on the third day… 47 deaths
“The number of confirmed cases may increase, but the downward trend will be maintained.”
If you have symptoms on your way home, please be actively tested.
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As Corona 19 continued to decline during the Chuseok holiday, the number of new patients fell to 20,000 in 55 days.
Quarantine authorities, however, urged people to be actively tested and treated if they have symptoms or are sick before returning to daily life, as the epidemic may increase due to an increase in travel on Chuseok.
This is reporter Shin Hyun-joon.
There are 28,214 new cases of COVID-19.
The number fell by regarding 14,000 from the previous day, dropping to the 20,000 level for the first time in 55 days since July 18.
As of Sunday’s announcement, it is the lowest number in nine weeks.
The cumulative number of patients exceeded 24 million.
If reinfection is not taken into account, 46.5% of the total population is infected.
However, there were 532 cases of severe serious illness, around 500 for the third day, and 47 deaths.
The government predicted that the number of confirmed cases might increase due to national migration during the Chuseok holiday, but the declining trend would be maintained.
He also urged them to be actively tested if they have symptoms.
[이기일 / 중앙재난안전대책본부 1총괄조정관 (지난 9일) : 일터로 복귀하기 전 타인 접촉도 최소화해주시기 바랍니다. 증상이 있거나 아프신 경우 검사와 치료도 적극적으로 받으시길 바랍니다.]
The government is operating 70 temporary screening and inspection stations across the country, including 9 highway rest stops during the holidays.
Experts are more concerned regarding the trend this winter than following Chuseok.
There is concern over a ‘twindemic’, in which COVID-19 and seasonal flu are prevalent at the same time as the period of weakening immunity and the flu season overlap.
[신상엽 / 한국의학연구소(KMI) 상임연구위원 : 트윈데믹이라는 현상들이 지금 겨울철에 겹쳐질 가능성이 높은데 이게 두 병의 특징이 다르기 때문에 대비가 약간 달라야 하는 부분들이 있어서 국민 피해 요소들의 영향을 미칠 거라고 생각을 합니다.]
Quarantine authorities plan to start immunizing children and the elderly from the end of this month while strengthening monitoring of the spread following Chuseok.
My name is Hyunjun Shin from YTN.
YTN Hyunjun Shin ([email protected])
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