[사회][단독] ‘Appearance review’ Lee Ji-sung, litigation with neighbors who were victims of ‘unauthorized construction’…Putting up high-level acquaintances

‘Appearance review’ Lee Ji-sung, conflict with neighbors for months
Structural change without permission… Until the battle with neighbors
Gangnam-gu charged with construction company police when only part of it was restored
“Noise, 100 times the allowable value of the construction site”… complaints from residents
Lee Ji-sung sues resident representative for ‘threat and obstruction of business’

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Writer Lee Ji-seong, the spouse of politician Cha Yu-ram, was controversial for remarks criticizing the appearance of female lawmakers at the People’s Strength banquet last week.

Earlier this year, they built an apartment without permission, and they are having a legal battle with neighbors who complained of damage.

In particular, when some residents demanded compensation for damage, the writer warned of disadvantages by making friends with high-ranking officials such as the president of the university where the residents were serving.

Reporter Lee Jun-yeop reports.


[이지성 / 작가 (지난 26일 국민의힘 연찬회) : 보수 정당을 생각했을 때 제일 먼저 떠오르는 이미지는 할아버지 이미지입니다. 배현진 씨 있고 나경원 씨도 있고. 다 아름다운 분이고 여성이지만 왠지 좀 부족한 거 같다. 김건희 여사로도 부족한 거 같고 당신(차유람)이 들어가서 4인방이 되면 끝장이 날 거 같다….]

Writer Lee Ji-seong, who was embroiled in controversy last week at the People’s Strength banquet, for remarks criticizing the appearance of female politicians.

Earlier this year, he has been having conflicts with neighbors for several months over the construction of the apartment he lives in.

The structure changed without permission, such as attaching a front door to a duplex apartment and demolishing stairs, and the conflict with neighbors who complained regarding damage grew and it spread to a high-level battle.

In order to change or dismantle structures such as stairs or household boundary walls, you must obtain permission from the ward office, but the artist pushed through the construction without a report.

The ward office, which received complaints from residents, requested restoration to its original state.

Because it was a large-scale construction, there was also a conflict due to noise.

The noise measured in the lower house was 92 dB, which is more than 100 times the allowable level for general construction sites.

Residents also complained of leaks and cracks, and the remodeling work was cited as the cause.

[이상운 / 전 아파트 입주자대표 : (소음에) 호텔 같은 데로 나가셨다는 주민들도 계시고 저도 학교 연구실이나 외부로 (피신했습니다.) 가족들도 다 마찬가지였습니다. 집에서 견딜 수가 없었거든요.]

When the impatient resident representative demanded compensation for the damage, the writer sued for obstruction of business, saying that he was threatened and that he blocked the transportation of construction materials because the elevator was old.

He also warned that he would meet with the president of the university where the resident representative works and discuss the violation of the duty to maintain dignity.

Eventually, the neighbors also took legal action.

About 20 people sued this writer for fraud, obstruction of business, intimidation, and defamation.

The writer also sued for property damage for having secretly removed the damage complaint post posted by the residents’ association five times.

[아파트 관리사무소 관계자 : 왜 자꾸 (게시물을) 떼냐, 힘들어 죽겠다 했더니. (이지성 작가가) ‘나도 하고 싶어서 하는 게 아니에요. 이게 불법은 아니에요’. 그러더라고…. 자기는 행안부 장관도 만날 수 있는 사람이다.]

The writer countered to YTN reporters that the construction of the apartment is entirely the responsibility of the construction company, and that damage claimed by residents such as leaks and noise has nothing to do with the remodeling project.

Rather, he repeatedly insisted that the resident representatives were being harmed by blackmail, such as demanding an excessive settlement amount.

This is YTN Lee Jun-yeop.

YTN Junyeop Lee (leejy@ytn.co.kr)

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