[사설]”Even if you don’t go to class, you will be promoted after taking the exam”… What is the result of endless tinkering?

2024-09-24 14:30:00

On the afternoon of September 2, the first day of college, the anatomy laboratory of a medical school in central Seoul was empty. Reporter Lee Han-gyeol always@donga.com Some medical schools, including the Catholic University of Medicine, caused controversy by issuing such notices to medical students who refused to attend classes due to an increase in the number of students. The academic management of medical school is very strict. If you fail even one subject, you have to retake the entire academic year’s courses. However, when the Ministry of Education, which has the power of education subsidies, put pressure on students not to allow collective repeating of grades, it introduced a higher education policy that allowed temporary discounts.

It was in July this year that the Ministry of Education announced the principle of not repeating grades in 40 medical schools across the country. When it was discovered that medical students were repeating a grade due to refusal of classes in the first semester, the decision to repeat the grade was postponed until the end of the academic year, and the “Flexible Management Guidelines for Bachelor of Medicine” were formulated. This is considering that if there is a collective grade repeat, the production of 3,000 doctors will be stopped from next year, and 7,500 students, including the additional first-year students, will have to attend classes for 6 years at the same time.

When emergencies occur, governments with common sense should implement a “Plan B” prepared in advance or adjust policies based on the actual situation. On the contrary, they unconditionally adhered to the policy of increasing employees, which led to the absurd move of “promotion without attending classes.”

Despite the government’s series of relief measures, academic failure persists, and the national second-semester enrollment rate in medical schools is still only 3.4%. If this continues, the situation is expected to worsen next year. Unless policies to expand medical schools change, there is little guarantee that students who dropped out because of opposition to medical school expansion will return, and it is likely that new students will join seniors in refusing to attend classes in protest of poor educational conditions. As the number of students does not increase, the number of students who take a break from school and retake the exam in order to enter medical schools in metropolitan areas with relatively better educational conditions will also increase. What will happen to medical school education if first-year students repeat a class en masse next year?

The gaps in care we face now are a problem, but the disruption to medical school education will leave long-term legacy in the health care system that will be difficult to recover from. Although increasing the number of medical schools is a policy measure to improve the quality of medical care, increasing the number of medical schools has become an end in itself, which is worsening the quality of medical care and shaking the foundation of the doctor training system. How long will you persist in twisting the fatal truth? Even now, we must assume that medical students are repeating grades en masse and propose measures to deal with disruptions in the supply and demand of medical personnel, including military and public health physicians, as well as disruptions in medical school classes.

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