[기자24시] If Samsung 3-nano, half a step ahead, is to become a super-gap

Samsung Electronics has launched a counterattack once morest TSMC, the absolute leader in semiconductor consignment production (foundry), a weak area in domestic semiconductors. It succeeded in mass production of products using the world’s first 3 nanometer (nm·1nm = 1 billionth of a meter) foundry process. It is evaluated that Samsung is one step ahead in the competition for micro-process development with Taiwan’s TSMC, the world’s No.

TSMC is preparing for mass production of the 3-nano process in the second half of this year. At the end of last year, Samsung Electronics announced that it would start mass production of the 3-nano process by the first half of this year, but it was implemented without any setbacks. On the other hand, TSMC’s mass production of the same process continues to be delayed. Samsung Electronics, which had previously lagged behind TSMC in mass production of 7nm and 5nm, has overtaken TSMC in the 3nm process and has reached an advantageous turning point in securing customers.

However, in the domestic semiconductor industry, non-memory fields including foundries still have a long way to go. In the DRAM market, which is the core of memory semiconductors, Samsung Electronics occupies 42% of the market, solidifying its No. 1 position in the world. However, in the foundry, TSMC took the first place with 53.6%, and Samsung Electronics recorded 16.3%, which is a large gap with the first place.

It is urgent to prepare a plan to foster the non-memory semiconductor ecosystem in order to widen the opportunity that has managed to take a half step ahead by a super-gap. Although Samsung Electronics has advanced to the 3-nano process, the majority of domestic fabless and materials/equipment companies are not yet ready. Otherwise, the opportunity may be lost to foreign companies once more. The government’s interest and support is needed so that the domestic ecosystem can respond together. To this end, the new government is planning to build a next-generation semiconductor complex centered on non-memory in Pangyo. From facilities for supply and demand such as semiconductor academies, to joint R&D complex for fabless companies. 41 domestic companies have already expressed their intention to move in. In order not to miss the golden hour, the central government and local governments should work together and proceed with speed. When the government’s half-step quick support is added to the leading position created by Samsung, Korea’s history of super-gap can be written once once more.

[산업부 = 오찬종 기자 ocj2123@mk.co.kr]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]



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