[국제]Is Taiwan a territory of China?…”A fiction created by the CCP’s ‘amnesia'”


The Chinese government insists that ‘Taiwan is its territory’ at every opportunity and asks the United States not to interfere in Taiwan affairs.

Is this claim really true?

Looking at Taiwan’s history, it is pointed out that most of China’s claims are fiction.

Reporter Lim Soo-geun on the sidewalk.


China’s new foreign minister, Qin Gang, even brought out the Chinese constitution in a recent press conference, claiming that Taiwan is part of China’s territory.

He warned the US not to cross this ‘red line’.

[친강 / 중국 외교부장 (지난 7일) : 타이완 문제는 중국과 미국 관계에서 넘어서는 안 되는 첫 번째 ‘레드 라인’입니다.]

In response to China’s territorial claims, Taiwan refuted that it “has never been part of China as a sovereign state”.

“No matter how much China distorts it, it cannot change objective facts,” he said.

[차이잉원 / 타이완 총통 : 권위주의의 확대에 맞서 국가 안보와 이익을 지키기 위해서는 국가의 방위력과 회복력을 강화할 수밖에 없습니다.]

Dr. Denny Roy of the University of Hawaii’s Center for East-West Culture said, “Taiwan has historically largely been outside the control of mainland China, and the length of Chinese rule over Taiwan is highly contested.”

In fact, Taiwan was officially annexed by the Qing Dynasty only in 1885, and even that ended with defeat in the Sino-Japanese War in 1895, just 10 years later.

Taiwan was then under Japanese rule for 50 years, until 1945.

In particular, Dr. Roy noted, the CCP consistently recognized Taiwan as a separate country for 15 years following 1928.

At the same time, he criticized the ‘Taiwan Territorial Claim’ as the ‘fiction caused by amnesia’ of the CCP.

This is YTN Lim Soo-geun.

YTN Lim Soo-geun (sglim@ytn.co.kr)

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