[국제]”I can’t live because the fuel cost rises”… Angry public sentiment explodes around the world


In the aftermath of the Ukraine war, fuel costs soared, and angry citizens took part in protests, and the global village is groaning.

Fuel price hikes are fueling inflation, and central banks around the world are raising interest rates, making the lives of ordinary people more painful.

Reporter Kim Seon-hee reports.


The Libyan capital, Tripoli, and western towns were engulfed in blazing flames.

Angry protesters blocked roads and set tires on fire, saying fuel and bread prices were too high.

The Capitol building, which had been swept away by hundreds of protesters, was also tanned.

[아메드 파라지 / 인권운동가 : 이번 일들은 ‘배고픈 자들의 혁명’이라고 불립니다. 그들은 안타깝게도 건물을 불태우고 훼손하고 약탈했습니다.]

In Ecuador, South America, anti-government protests have followed, complaining about the hardship of living due to soaring fuel costs.

The government hastily lowered gasoline prices and offered support measures, but the situation is still unstable.

[나타샤 로자 / 에콰도르 시위대 : 전국적으로 수많은 동지가 시위에 나서며 중상을 입었습니다. 정부의 유류비 10센트 인하는 우리를 조롱하는 것입니다.]

At first, Europe, which relied heavily on Russian fuel, was expected to be hit, but South America, Africa and Southeast Asia are also seeing sparks.

In the Philippines, which has the least dependence on Russia, it is difficult to operate a ‘jeepney’ that serves as a foot for citizens, so many drivers are leaving the company.

Fuel price hikes fuel inflation, and central banks around the world are raising interest rates to curb it, making it harder for the common people.

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The International Energy Agency estimates that soaring energy prices will cut off an additional 90 million people in Asia and Africa.

JP Morgan economists have forecast that international oil prices will triple if Russia cuts oil production in retaliatory measures against the West.

This is YTN Kim Seon-hee.

YTN Kim Seon-hee (sunny@ytn.co.kr)

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