[경제]KEPCO, 2Q fuel cost adjustment unit price announced today… Pay attention to whether or not to raise

Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO), which posted an operating loss of 5.8 trillion won last year and recorded the largest loss in history, announced this morning the adjusted unit price of fuel cost for the second quarter of this year, which affects electricity rates.

This announcement was originally scheduled for the 21st but was rescheduled 8 days following it was postponed a day ago due to ‘consultation with related ministries’.

The general assessment is that an increase in the fuel cost adjustment unit price for the second quarter is inevitable as it reflects the fuel cost from December last year to the end of last month, both inside and outside the industry.

The Presidential Transition Committee took the position that it is “a matter for the current government to decide” regarding whether to raise the electricity rate, and draws attention to the contents of KEPCO’s announcement by drawing a line as a matter of the current government, unlike President-elect Yoon Seok-yeol’s April electricity rate freeze promise.

The fuel cost adjustment unit price is adjusted quarterly in accordance with the relevant regulations. After KEPCO calculates the adjusted unit price and submits it to the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Industry decides it through consultation with the relevant ministries and notifies KEPCO, and KEPCO announces it.

YTN Kim Sang-woo (kimsang@ytn.co.kr)

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